Chapter 11

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The lab was like nothing Peter has ever seen before. Random parts for different projects scattered on tables. Bruce looked around for a clear spot, not finding one he shrugged and swept tools and parts into a drawer.

"Go ahead and sit on the table while I get my med bag," Bruce said with a pat to the now cleared spot.

Peter moved with caution and sat on the spot gently.

Tony went to a nearby table and pulled up some holoscreens, "Kay, Fri, let's start with a biometric scan of Spidey,"

Peter watched in fascination as Tony worked as a sudden ball of anxiety weighed down his chest.

"You wouldn't be able to find out my identity from that, would you?" Peter asked in a small voice cringing at how weak he felt.

Tony didn't even look up as he said, "Unfortunately, I made sure any personal info on you would be made untouchable, even to me. Although I am curious- Tony glanced at Peter then back to his work- I would rather have your trust than your identity"

Peter breathed a sigh of relief before relaxing back into his seat. Watching Tony work was mesmerizing, his fingers gliding across screens and his mind working seamlessly from projections to physical materials.

Bruce came back in with a tired smile on his face, "Let's get started, hmm?"

Suddenly Peter's anxiety seemed to come back tenfold but nodded anyways, not wanting to answer the questions that will undoubtedly follow the finding of his scars.

Bruce pulled out a stethoscope and hung it around his neck before getting out the rest of his tools. He pulled up a hologram before asking Peter routine questions like known allergies and if he is currently taking any medications.

"Now if you wouldn't mind- Bruce moved the hologram to the side- to take off your shirt," Bruce asked calmly.

Peter nodded hesitantly, his mouth going dry before pulling his hoodie off, staring straight at the floor as he heard the small gasp from Bruce and the clatter of tools from Tony's workbench. He felt so exposed and vulnerable, in front of the men that he likes to top it all off. Peter crossed his arms over his chest and started picking at the scar on his arm. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes as the silence seemed to last forever. The soft padding of leather shoes on tile and a gentle hand pulling Peter's chin up made a warmth spread through his chest. The even more soft and caring face sparking a flame.


Bruce let his hand drop to his side as the other ghosted over the awful word carved into Spider-Man's chest, looking back into the cloudy goggles asking him silently for permission. Spidey nodded his head ever so slightly and Bruce gently ran his hand across the blemish, disgusted someone would do this to the masked hero. He looked back and couldn't see past the glazed look in Tony's eyes, couldn't figure out what was going through his head.

Bruce returned his gaze to Spidey and quickly retracted his hand, clearing his throat and bringing the hologram in front of him.

Tony couldn't be in the room any longer, a harsh scrape of the stool he was once sitting on against the tile. Retreating back to the comfort and isolation of his room. Only now the isolation seemed less comforting and more cold. Especially since he met a Bambi eyed brunette. Usually, Tony would have called but seeing as they fought the last time they talked he decided against it. Tony went to bed that night detached from the rest of the world.


Back in the room he woke up in, Peter paced the floor. The door was locked so he took the moment of peace without his mask. It was late but now that he technically had a place to live, and Mr. Lee did say he could come get his stuff whenever, it would be an opportune time. Swing by the office, get the box and then pick up his duffel bag, drop it off at the tower, go on a quick patrol. Easy plan, with only one small snag, Peter's crippling anxiety. He isn't exactly a prisoner but he was being forced to stay here, so did he need to tell someone he was going out? Did he have to ask to leave? Either way Peter was carving a path into the carpet and couldn't come up with any reasonable ideas.

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