Chapter 2

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Peter was woken up by the sounds of doors slamming and an angry May running around the apartment. Peter decided it would be best if he stayed in bed until she left for work. He picked his phone off his nightstand and checked the time, five o'clock am, just enough time to get ready for work. Peter got out of bed and put on some athletic shorts and a t-shirt with the gym's logo on it and grabbed his go bag and tennis shoes from his closet and walked out into the living room.

He sat his stuff on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to grab a protein shake because he did not have enough time to actually cook anything. He went back to the living room and sat down on the couch to put his shoes on. Double checking that he had his keys, wallet, and school stuff with him, Peter grabbed his bag and shake and walked out the door, locking it behind him. Peter was walking down the street when his phone rang with a call from work.

"Hey, Pete! I know you got a thing later with school so you can leave at about eight but I wanted to call and let you know that you have a new client today," his boss said.

"Alright, who is it?"

"He said his name was Steve Rodgers, ever heard of him?" his boss said with excitement in her voice.

"Wait, I'm going to be THE Captain America's personal trainer?" Peter asked confounded.

"Yup! Good luck, Petey!" and his boss hung up the phone.

Peter got a little nervous, wondering why Captain America of all people needed a personal trainer. Surely with that super soldier serum a normal personal trainer wouldn't be able to keep up with him. Then Peter got a little excited, he's going to meet Captain America!

Peter got to the gym and walked up to his locker, putting in his stuff and taking out a water bottle and towel for him and an extra one for the Captain. Peter always found it easier for someone to get into working out when they have someone to do it with, instead of someone watching them and telling them what to do.

Peter walked up to the front desk and asked the receptionist, "Hey have you seen my trainee for today?"

She smiled softly and typed on her computer then looked back up and said, "Yup, should be over by the treadmills."

"Thank you!" Peter said as we walked towards the back where the treadmills are.

 Peter walked up beside the treadmill the Captain was on and said, "Hello, Mr. Rodgers. I see you've already got a head start!"

The Captain flashed a smile and said, "I thought I would warm up a bit, and please call me Steve."

Peter sat the towels and water on the bench nearby and said, "Well mind if I get warmed up then? After that we can move on to cardio or we could do some core building if you prefer."

Steve smiled again and nodded, "Sure, I could use a little bit more running anyways."

Peter got on the treadmill next to Steve and started out slow, "So, what brings you to this little gym in Queens? I'm sure that tower of yours has more advanced equipment that is more suited to your strength."

"Well, I got a little tired of working out by myself. I'm honestly a little surprised that you are going to be working out with me. Aren't you supposed to be a trainer?"

Peter set the treadmill to start increasing speed every five minutes then said, "I think people will put more effort into the work out if they have someone to work out with, instead of someone telling them what to do."

Steve smiled to himself, "I really like you already, what's your name?"


After a couple more minutes of running on the treadmill, Peter slowed to a stop and had the two move on to some cardio, and to Steve's surprise Peter kept up with him really well. Steve didn't know what it was about Peter but he felt a real connection with him.

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