Chapter 1

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Sitting in class, Peter tries to think about the lesson at hand and what he needs to do on his long laundry list of tasks. After this class, he has a shift at the coffee shop down the street.

By the time he gets done with his shift it will be about four o'clock. That gives him about two hours to get back to the apartment and clean and make dinner before May gets home. He'll go out on patrol until, hopefully, midnight. That will give Peter enough time to make a dent in his homework and time to sleep before his six o'clock shift in the morning at the local gym as a personal trainer.

Peter appreciates both jobs, them being close to his college and paying him well even though he is so young. His job as a personal trainer is even more beneficial seeing as it keeps him in shape. Being Spider-Man is a very athletically taxing job.

Peter didn't really plan on having a major career, with Spider-Man being practically a full time gig anyways. He plans on finishing the PhD by the end of the year and keep his jobs and just work those and Spider-Man in between shifts.

The class ended and Peter packed up his things, heading towards the doors before his teacher stopped him, "Peter, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Peter walked back towards his teacher and waited for him to keep talking.

"I know you don't have class tomorrow, but I have a special guest speaker coming and I would like to show off my best student," he said with a small chuckle, "I hope it won't be too much to ask you to show up and make me look good."

Peter thought about it for a minute then replied with a small smile, "Sure, I don't mind at all, Mr. Lee."

"Good! Be here a little early, I don't want you to be too star-struck."

Peter nodded and waved as he headed out.


Tony was working in the lab as usual. Running on nothing but coffee as usual. The only problem, the coffee machine in the lab is broken. Another problem, Tony is trying to avoid Avengers and anything related to it.

So, going down to the kitchen is going to be risky. Who knows who Tony will run into, and he is not looking forward to the meeting with the pirate that he has been skipping.

One option left, go out and get coffee.

Grabbing his wallet, keys, and sunglasses, Tony snuck down to the garage and started to drive.

He drove until he couldn't see the tower, just wanting to get away from the Spider-Man debate. The team doesn't want to take him down, they think he's doing good work. Spider-Man takes care of the little things that the Avengers just don't deal with.

Tony spotted a Starbuck's on his right and pulled in, it didn't look too busy so he didn't bother with a hat.

Tony walked in and lost his breath. He saw a boy behind the counter: fluffy brown hair tucked into a visor, obvious muscles straining in a tight shirt and apron, bubble butt, freckles dancing across his face, and sweet honey doe eyes that hold so many emotions.

Tony walked up to the boy in his most confident strut and said, "Hey Bambi, could you get me a black coffee to-go?"

Peter grabbed a cup and marker with a sigh and asked, "And what name should I put on the cup?" not even batting an eye that THE Tony Stark came to this Starbuck's for coffee.

Tony smirked, interested by this boy, "Why don't you put your name on there? I'll even buy a muffin and you can write your number on the napkin"

Peter gave a dry chuckle, "Well, Mr. Stark, give me a good reason and I'll think about it."

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