Chapter 5

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Peter woke up the next morning with a dull pain throbbing through his chest and his mind felt like it was filled with cotton. He blinked a couple of times to try and focus on the table in front of him. His vision was still a little blurry, but it was clear enough that the could see things up close. Peter looked down and sighed at the crusted blood on his chest, layers of blood caked on top of each other. Peter took a deep breath then shuddered at the burst of pain that came from puffing his chest out. Peter took a couple of short breaths just to get through the pain, then he made sure to keep taking small breaths.

Peter looked down at his wrists and tugged on the cool metal, the cuffs chaffing his skin. He sighed again and tried to look around the apartment. The place was empty and cold. Peter turned his head towards the table again and saw a note and a plate that he somehow missed before. Peter scooted the chair closer to the table so he could better see the note.

Just went out for some groceries, be back soon brat. Oh, and try and eat. You know how I don't like feeding you myself. -May

Peter looked towards the plate and saw a handful of saltines on a plate. Peter moved closer to the table and picked up a cracker with his mouth, then started to chew slowly, savoring what little flavor the food could give him. Peter continued to do this until all of the crackers were gone, it's better to eat it now than have May just throw out the food when she gets back.


Tony was just sitting in his lab, tinkering with a new project when Steve came walking in looking a little worried.

"Hey, Capsicle. What's up?" Tony asked.

Steve ran a hand through his hair nervously, "Well, I was trying to text Peter and he hasn't been texting back. I normally wouldn't be worried but it's been a good three hours and he hasn't even looked at my text."

Tony sat for a second before shrugging his shoulders, "He told me him and his Aunt were going on a vacation. Maybe she didn't want him to bring his phone or something," Tony said trying to ease Steve's uneasiness but not fully believing what he said.

Steve didn't seem to believe it much either but they haven't known Peter for long. He is sure there isn't anything too worry about.

Steve looked down at his phone again before looking back at Tony, "You're probably right. I guess I'll let you get back to your science," Steve chuckled.

Tony waved him off and turned back around trying to focus on his project but only able to think about one person.


Bruce was walking down the aisle, looking at the list of groceries Thor gave him. He was trying to figure out what "carton of juice blood" meant as his cart lightly ran into another cart. Bruce looked up quickly and flashed a small smile, "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Bruce looked back and saw a woman with redish hair and glasses, she looked like she was in her mid-thirties. Her scowl quickly vanished once she noticed who ran into her, "Oh, I'm so sorry sir. I wasn't looking where I was going either." She walked away with a almost proud look on her face, like she did something awful to Bruce and got away with it. Paranoid, Bruce looked around and at the cart to see if he missed something, but there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Later, as Bruce was checking out, he could feel a pair of eyes on him. Of course, this feeling was normal as he was kind of a celebrity, but this felt different, almost like they were taunting him. Bruce looked around again only to see a flash of red bobbing out of the store. Bruce just brushed it off, figuring it was just some awkward fan and continued on to the car.

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