Chapter 13

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Steve clenched his eyes shut, he couldn't let himself break any further. Peter was surely just being nice, softening the swinging axe that is his rejection. Peter only squeezed Steve's hands in his own, waiting for Steve to look at him again.

As soon as they were looking into each other's eyes Peter talked in a slow and vulnerable voice, "I'm scared you will see how broken I am and want to leave. I'm scared you'll learn the ugly truths about me and never want to speak to me again."

Steve's heart clenched, "What about Tony? And Bruce?"

Peter sighed, "I'm scared I'll lose them too. The three of you make me feel things I haven't felt in a while, safe and loved. I can't lose that."

A silent tear was rolling down Steve's cheek now. Peter gently wiped it away with his thumb, letting his hand rest on the other man's cheek. Steve leaned into it, rubbing his cheek into the comforting hand before giving the palm a quick peck and pulling Peter into a hug. Peter hung his arms around Steve's neck, one hand massaging the nape of the blonde's neck the other rubbing circles between the man's shoulder blades. Steve almost collapsed from relief, leaning into Peter with all his weight. His arms wrapped tightly around the smaller man's waist while his face was tucked into the crook of Peter's neck, breathing in his calming scent.

They stayed like that for a while before moving to the now empty couch, Nat having snuck out of the room to give the men some privacy. They were laying on the couch cuddling and enjoying each other's warmth. Steve snuggled into Peter's side, face still hiding in the crook of Peter's neck. Peter just relished in the silence, running his hand through Steve's hair without thought.

Steve woke up first, the morning light streaming through the glass wall and the sound of hushed whispers across the room. He didn't really care about that at the moment as he watched the beautiful brunette beside him sleep. Counting the small freckles across the bridge of his partner's nose like they were stars in the night sky. You wouldn't have known the boy had freckles unless you looked really close like this. A deep breath of Peter's scent, no other words to describe it but home. Steve tried to identify the voices he hears but ended up waking Peter.

"Steve..?" Peter mumbled sleep in his voice.

Steve put all his attention on Peter, "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Peter shook his head, "I've been up for a while, wanted to enjoy the moment."

Steve nodded, "We should probably get up soon," he said but made no move to get up.

Peter agreed but didn't move either, both men in their own little world feeling at peace.


Tony ran a hand down his face as he sighed, a cup of coffee in his other. Bruce sat across from the sighing man at the kitchen island. Bruce was holding a StarkPad with the news on it and dreaded what it said.

"We have to tell him, Tony," Bruce said.

Tony sipped his coffee with a groan, "I know but it finally feels like things are going good for the kid. Did you see him an Rodgers on the sofa? They clearly made up."

Bruce tapped his fingers on the edge of the device and chewed his bottom lip in thought, "It'll hurt more if he thinks we are hiding this from him, it could be a lot of lost trust. No one will be happy then."

Tony leaned back in his stool and crossed his arms, "What do you suggest we do then, Green Bean? It's going to hurt him either way."

Bruce shrugged, "At least he won't hate us for not telling him. He deserves to know."

Tony ran a hand through his hair, "Ugh you're right. We'll tell him after breakfast."

With that the two men of science sat silently as they braced themselves for the most likely unpleasant conversation that is to come as they heard the sound of footsteps coming closer. With a look they saw a sleepy Peter rubbing his eyes as he slumped onto a stool between Tony and Bruce. Peter's head slumped on the counter as Steve rubbed his shoulder before moving around into the kitchen to start cooking.

"Mornin, Bambi. How'd you sleep?" Tony asked.

Peter just groaned as a response, not properly functioning in the morning without some caffeine. Peter sat up and took the cup of coffee in front of Tony and took a couple of sips before setting it back down again.

"Hey, that's my coffee!" Tony teased.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Peter challenged.

Tony smirked before leaning closer, "Chase it down, naturally." With a swift motion Tony was kissing Peter, his tongue tangling with Peter's as he tasted the stolen coffee.

Tony pulled back a small smirk on his face, "Mmm, don't think I would mind sharing my coffee," he winked.

Peter sat there dazed and nodded with a blush dusted across his cheeks. Turning back to Steve placing a plate of eggs and toast in front of him with a soft smile. Peter blinked and returned the smile, "Thank you, Stevie," he pulled Steve in to give him a peck on the cheek. As he went to pick up his fork, Peter felt a tug from the hem of his shirt and turned to see Bruce pouting. Peter chuckled before leaning in to give Bruce a quick kiss and turning back to his breakfast with a small smile.

The four of them sat around the island comfortably, enjoying the calm morning feel. Peter finished his breakfast and sat his dishes in the sink, turning back a little more nervous than before. He walked back to his seat and fidgeted with his fingers as he looked down, thinking a way to start the conversation.

"Everything okay, Pete?" Bruce asked looking over his coffee.

Peter nodded, "Y-yeah, I just wanted to talk to you guys about something."

The other three men shared a curious look before turning their full attention over to Peter.

Steve reached across the counter to hold Peter's hands, "What do you wanna talk about, doll?"

Peter's blush returned upon hearing the pet name and briefly looked up before looking down again, "Well, I-"

Tony gently lifted Peter's chin and said, "Bambi, you can speak your mind here, we don't bite," Tony shrugged with a small smirk, "unless you ask."

Peter gulped before nodding, "Well we haven't really talked about it so, I was wondering... if you three would let me be your boyfriend?" The other men were silent for a moment and Peter anxiously prattled on, "Of course you don't have to say yes! I was just wondering I guess if this was real? I don't mind it if you guys only wanted a one-off kind of thing-"

"Baby doll, it would be a pleasure to be able to call you mine," Steve interrupted him.

Bruce nodded while wrapping an arm around Peter's waist, "You are too amazing for me to want to let you go, darling."

Tony pulled Peter in for a short and sweet kiss, "It would be an honor to be know as Peter Parker's boyfriend."

Peter blushed as he looked between the three men with awe, "And you really don't mind me being poly?"

"Of course not!" Bruce said.

"We love you just the way you are, Petey-pie," Tony agreed.

Steve chuckled a little, "I'm still not entirely caught up with today's culture, but there is nothing about you that I don't love, Pete. My heart belongs to you and I don't really mind sharing, it just means you have a lot of love to give."

Peter's eyes watered a little, happy that he found these amazing people to share his life with.

Tony's hand dropped to his side as he ran it through his hair, "I hate to ruin the beautiful moment here, but I have some bad news for you, Pete."

A small frown replaced the soft smile on his face as Peter turned to look towards Tony, "What kind of bad news?"

Tony sighed while bringing up the news article on his tablet, "May got released from prison."

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