Chapter 15

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May walked through the cold house those people dropped her off at. After that two hour car ride, she still didn't get any names, any reason they wanted Peter. She hated how her life turned out, if Ben never died then maybe the three of them could have been.. a family. May huffed a dry chuckle as she layed out on the couch, she was doomed from the start.

First it was Richard and Mary, she knew whatever shady stuff they were up to would kill them one day. They were scientists for Oscorp, they had no reason to be traveling that much. The odd thing is, they never let Ben or herself drop them off or picked them up. They left for long periods of time and never had a clear return day, saying they would be back as soon as possible. If May could put her two sense in, she'd say they didn't die in a plane crash.

Next came the death of her husband. It shouldn't have been as shocking as it was, he was a police officer after all. There was always a chance that he wasn't coming home. What really shocked her is Peter was there when it happened, apparently the first responders found him cradling his uncle's dead body in his lap. She didn't know how to feel about that one. Peter must be traumatized, having to watch his uncle die.

After Ben died, May doesn't really know what happened herself. She hurt her nephew for what? She made the last four years of his life a living hell but why? What made her snap like that? Lose her morality. She can remember very vividly how she felt during that Stark Expo, her hand lost grip of Peter's and he was taken away in the crowd and she was utterly petrified. She had wanted Peter back to her and safe in her arms. Then she watched as he tried standing up to one of those drones and her heart stopped beating, her nephew was going to get killed. She ran as fast as she could but she knew she wouldn't make it in time just for Iron-Man to step in and save him. She collapsed next to Peter just as the hero took off and held him in a bone crushing hug, relieved that he was safe and okay.

When had she gone from loving her nephew to loathing him? But did she even really hate him? She doesn't know anymore, but all she does know is that those people want Peter for whatever reason they have. As May ignores the churning of her stomach, she walks over to the kitchen and pick up the landline, "Ms. Parker?"

May clenched the phone tighter, "Ready to comply."


Peter sat in the kitchen the next morning feeling like a weight has been pulled off his chest. It felt nice to be open with his family last night.

"Hey, Pete," Sam said as he ruffled the boys hair, walking past to the coffee machine.

"Mornin," Peter smiled.

Peter felt the tingling in his neck become noticeable, looking around his senses led him to look up at the air vent. The feeling flashed across his neck as Clint came tumbling out the vent falling flat on his face next to the fridge. Peter looked over at Sam to see the man completely unfazed, turning back to making his own breakfast. He decided not to question it, Clint being known to travel around the vents every so often.

Getting up with a grunt, Clint grabbed an apple and expertly climbed on top of the fridge. Peter heard the man chuckled to himself and whispered, "This house is a fucking nightmare!"

Peter grinned and said loud enough for Clint to hear, "My name is Michael with a B and I've been afraid of insects my whole life."

Clint smirked and looked over, "Where's the B?"

"There's a bee?!" Peter jumped in his seat before bursting out into laughter with Clint.

Sam groaned, "Oh god, there's another one!"

Peter and Clint gasped with a shine in their eyes, "More bees?!" they shouted in unison.

Sam just shook his head before leaving the room with his breakfast right as Tony was entering, "Clint is corrupting your boyfriend," Sam joked as he completely left.

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