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Rose P.O.V

Hi! I'm Rose Granger-Weasley. I'm the daughter of Ronald Bilius Weasley and Hermoine Jean Granger. I have red bushy hair my mum says I have got bushy hair from her and red color from my dad. I have my mother's brain and my father's appetite for food. I have a little brother who is 9 years old and I am 10. He is 1 year younger than me. I have many cousins. Albus Severus Potter, Lily luna Potter, James Sirius Potter are Aunt Ginny's and Uncle Harry's children. Victorie , Louis and Dominique are Uncle Billy's and Aunt Fleur's children. Roxanne Weasley and Fred Weasley II are Uncle George's and Aunt Angelina's children. Molly and Lucy Weasley are Uncle Percy's and Aunt Audrey's children. Uncle Charlie never married and he didn't have any children too, but he loved us all like his children. We have a very big Family. My dad, mum, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny have some old friends. We all love them like our family. One of them are Uncle Neville Longbottom. He married Aunt Hannah Abbott. Aunt Luna is also one of their friends. She is married to Rolf scamander and have two children Lorcan and Lysander Scamander. They are twins and very funny too. They are just like Uncle George and Uncle Fred. They were also twins. Unfortunately, Uncle Fred died during the Battle of Hogwarts The second Wizarding War. Uncle George told us all about his twin brother and their joke shop that was located in Number 93 Diagon Alley. It's name was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. They were true pranksters of their age in their school. Uncle George told us that he was very hurt by his twin brother's death and could no longer conjure a patronus. Patronus is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian which protects a witch or wizard from dementors. Anyways today is a very special day for me because today's my birthday and I will turn 11 now and I can go to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizarding. I will receive my Hogwarts acceptance letter on July and I will leave on September. I am very excited to go to Hogwarts. I want to be sorted in Ravenclaw but I'm okay with Gryffindor too. Everyone in our family generation is sorted into Gryffindor. So, I think same will happen to me, but I'm pleased with it. My mum told me everything about Hogwarts and it's houses. Hogwarts have four houses. That are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, HufflePuff and Slytherin. The four noble houses of Hogwarts. My cousin Al (Albus) will also go to Hogwarts with me. It will be his first year too. My cousin Lil ( Lily) and my brother Hugo will join us next year. I'm happy because I will have my cousins with me too. I am excited for playing Quidditch too, but first years are not allowed to play Quidditch. Quidditch is a famous sport which is played on broomsticks and it's a bit dangerous too but it's fun to play Quidditch. It is played between two teams made up of seven players. Each team have three chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker. There are five balls in Quidditch matches : The Quaffle, which can be seen as a volleyball. Three Bludgers or dodgeballs ; and finally a snitch which look likes a tennis ball. The Quaffle is used to score points, the bludgers are used to knock out other team's players. The Snitch that must be caught by the seeker to end the game. The Chasers keep possession of the quaffle and try to score a point by throwing it through one of three hoops in the other team's side. The keeper protects the hoops from an oncoming quaffle by flying in front of the scoring area. Beaters protects their teammates by hitting bludger away from them. The seeker job sounds easy but it isn't easy at all. They are in-charge of capturing the ever-elusive golden small Snitch which is so fast and it's very hard to capture it. It keeps away from players and fly faster if a seeker tries to catch it, but if the seeker successfully catches the Snitch and earns 150 points for it's team and ends the game. Most times, whichever team catches the Snitch wins the match. The Quidditch matches are actually played in an oval-shaped arena. It's so much fun to play it, but it needs a lot of practice. Whichever team wins the most matches wins the Quidditch cup. Hogwarts has many subjects : Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology. Flying lessons ( on broomsticks) are also compulsory. These 7 subjects are must on first year students. Flying lessons will be so much fun. I'm curious about my hogwarts letter. I have heard a lot about hogwarts and it's mysteries . About the Dark Lord which everyone called YOU -KNOW -WHO . No one called it's real name which was Voldemort. Everyone was so scared of him that barely some people who have defeated him says his real name . He was a dark wizard. My mum told me everything about their time . From her first year to last year which was so much difficult for her . I can't wait to be there . I will buy my school supplies and books from diagon alley on 30th of August . My cousins will also go with us to buy their supplies and books . My mum has arranged a birthday party at burrow for me and everyone will be there around 6 o 'clock in the evening. I have already received some letters and gifts from my friends and cousins . I have also received a letter and gift from Hagrid. Mum told me all about Hagrid . He is a giant man but he is very caring and kind. He has sent me a birthday card , a beautiful cake and an owl which he has given me as a gift for my birthday. He is also a teacher at Hogwarts . He teaches the care of magical creatures . Mum said that Hagrid always like enormous magical creatures. He had some pets . One of them were buckbeak he was a hippogriff , Aragog he was a very big spider , fluffy it was a three headed dog and nobert which was a dragon . I was stunned after hearing this all .

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