Our World Is Changing

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"God, I can't believe it. It must have been hard for him. Mother's a playgirl, father's unknown, sister's busy with work and boyfriend's dead. I feel sad for him now" Alexandria says after seeing the memory.

" Yeah it's just that how can someone be so cruel and leave their children because she wanted children with her ex lover. I mean a human or even an animal can't do that to his or her children" Rose says looking horrified.

Scorpious rubs her back slowly to calm her down while Albus just looked deep in thought.

" What are you thinking about?" Alexandria asks him in low voice.

" About how I got so genius" Albus replies looking at her in eyes with a glint in them. Alexandria raises her eyebrows at him to question 'are you serious?'

" Look, that man is a half blood. His mother Peggy Carter was surely a muggle but his father he must be a wizard. If we connect all the dots than we can figure out everything. Everything that's happening. First thing, when we came here to check the first time we didn't find that diary. Rose checked the whole cupboard but nothing. Then suddenly that diary pops out from somewhere. Someone wants us to see all of these memories. They want us to connect the dots. Second thing, Ren who was Carter's boyfriend told him about obscurials and everything. He showed interest in obscurials. I believe you know what an Obscurial looks like. It's like a Storm. It destroys everything in its way. Once the dark magic of that person is released you can't do anything. Third thing, the philosopher's stone was missing around some time. No one knew where it was until Nicolas Flamel found it and it was in his possession again. Fourth thing, the ministry victims are all kidnapped in the muggle world. No one knows why but maybe we do. It's him all along. Liam Carter is doing it all" Albus explains them all while breathing heavily due to speaking all the things in one go.

" Okay mate you may be right but why didn't he do all these things when he had the time to? I mean why wait that long?" Scorpius questions

" because the dark lord was already in power and of course he couldn't find an obscurial for years. They are not common. An obscurial is rare. Most of them are in Egypt. God, why didn't we knew this sooner. Carter wants to reveal wizarding world to the muggles. Wr can't let that happen. There would be a war. A war which would harm both worlds. Wizards and witches would be happy to have freedom. They would no longer have to hide their magic but it's not good " Rose says looking horrified again.

No one speaks after hearing all these words. They couldn't do anything. They were still underage. They weren't seventeen yet and when they would turn 17 there would be a big war going on.

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