Scorpious Malfoy

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Scorpious P. O. V

Hi! I'm Scorpius Malfoy and I am the son of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. My Grandpa is Lucius Malfoy while my grandmother is Narcissa Malfoy. My family's history is not very good. My dad, my grandfather and my grandmother were death-eaters. Death Eaters are the followers of Voldemort ( YOU - KNOW - WHO). My mother told me that my father had no choice, he was forced to be a death eater and he accepted this for the lives of his family. His family's life was on sake he had to accept for sake of his family's lives. Everyone gets scared by hearing The name of my family ( The Malfoys) and I don't like it in any way. I don't want to be alone forever in my life because of my surname. I don't think that anyone will accept me as their friend there. Maybe someone can, someone like my mother. I asked my mother that by knowing that my father did not had a good past why she accepted him as her husband and then she told me that never judge anyone by their past, see their future and try to see if that person can change itself in the future, because there's always hope. So my mother did not asked my father his past and married him without any hesitation. She tried to change him and heal his past wounds. He had a death eater mark on his arm but my mother convinced him not to care about it. She changed him completely but she couldn't change one thing his believe and his proudness on his blood status. My family's blood status is Pure Blood but I don't understand what's special about it. Anyways, I'm very excited about hogwarts. I will soon receive my hogwarts letter and then I will start soon. I will get my school supplies and books on 30th of August in Diagon Alley. I am excited about my hogwarts subjects and flying lessons and I can't wait to see hogwarts castle. My dad always told me about his hogwarts life before he became a death eater. He told me all about Quidditch and that he was the seeker in his team and how everyone talked about his skills. Everyone in my family was sorted into Slytherin but I'm not very willing to be sorted into this house because everything evil happened at hogwarts was caused by a Slytherin but I know I will be sorted into this house. My father told me that Slytherin is the best of all houses but I believe Gryffindor is above the all. My grandfather has already started to tell me that if I had a girlfriend it should be a pure blood no matter what happens. He told me not to date a half blood or a muggle-born. I'm very disappointed by this but I will do whatever I want. If I found a beautiful girl there would be no wall between us specially about blood status. I am just looking forward to receive my letter and about visiting Diagon Alley. I'm worried that I wouldn't have any friends because of my surname and my family's reputation but my mum has told me that it's a kind of foolishness to think about these she says I will make good, trustworthy and honest friends no matter what house I would be sorted into. My mum has no problem if I'm sorted into any other house than Slytherin but my dad and my grandparents will have very much problem with that because all of my family is sorted into Slytherin. I think Slytherin is known for it's evil people but Gryffindor for it's brave and courageous people so that's why I would like to be in Gryffindor.

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