Diagon Alley And Hogwarts Express

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30th of August


Rose was peacefully sleeping on her bed when suddenly! BANG! Hugo jumped on Rose and she screamed so loudly that Hermione and Ron had to go and see what happened. Then Hugo started to yell : "Wake up, wake up now it's time to go, wake up Roseie." Hugo was more excited than Rose herself to go to Diagon Alley. After five minutes Rose went downstairs to have breakfast with her family. She as usual went to take a nice bath and brush her teeth and hair, she got ready in 20 minutes and then went downstairs and saw that everyone was ready to go then they went to Potter Cottage first to get Potter's family. After 15 minutes all of them went to Diagon Alley together because they also had to get James and Albus school supplies and books.


At scorpius house was getting ready when his mom came to check if he was ready or not. He then went downstairs to have breakfast with his mom and dad. They were both very happy for Scorpius. "Excited to go Scorp?" his mother asked. "Yeah I'm so excited that I can't explain" he said. "Don't worry I also had that excitement, when it got my letter and when I went to Diagon Alley with my Dad to buy my supplies and books" Draco said to his son, while smiling at his son's excitement. Then all of them ate their breakfast which was prepared by paid house- elves, then all of them went to Diagon Alley. Scorpius was looking at everything in such excitement and then went to get his wand at ollivander's and then got his school supplies and books. He wanted to have some ice cream so his mother and father told him that he can have some ice cream. He went to an ice cream shop and bought some vanilla ice cream while he was going back to his mom and dad he saw them talking to a Red haired man and a woman with light brown bushy hair. Then he decided to leave them alone for some time to talk to their friends. While he was to much interested in his ice cream he went into a girl and all his ice cream was on girl's shirt. He saw that she was so much beautiful , she had red colored bushy hair, ocean - blue eyes and some freckles on her checks. He was so busy while looking at her, he didn't realized what had happened she was looking at him that what is he dreaming about. She then waved her hand in front of his face because he looked like someone had petrified him. He then said,"Ohh, I'm really really sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Not a big deal I know you didn't did it on purpose, but Are you okay"? She asked him. He was in dream land still looking into her ocen blue eyes then he replied "Yeah yeah, just a bit nervous you know because of school." Ohh are you going to Hogwarts too? Is it your first year? " Rose asked. " Um, yeah it's my first year" Scorpius replied still looking in her beautiful eyes.
"Ohh that's good, well it's my first year too good luck, maybe see you at Hogwarts." Rose said and went to her parents while cleaning her shirt with a tissue. Scorpius was still in dream land, then his mother and father showed up they were asking something from Scorpius but he was still in his dream land. Then suddenly he came to reality. "Hey, are you okay son" asked Draco. "Ohh sorry I was impressed by seeing something so I was thinking about it, well never mind let's go home I'm getting a little tired in this crowd." He replied. Then Scorpius and Astoria went home, while Draco went to his office. Rose and her family went to their house while Potter's family went to their's. When Rose went home, first thing she did was to go to her room and read her new school books. She was just like junior Hermione. Hermione was the brightest witch of her age. Then suddenly Rose remembered that boy that she met today at Diagon Alley. She started to think about his blond hair and silver eyes like, it looked like she as started to have a crush on him. She was thinking about Scorpius Malfoy then suddenly her mum came into her room and told rose about potions, Defense against the dark arts and charms. She told her about Snape, Professor Severus Snape, he was the most bravest man after Professor Albus Dumbledore. She told her how he got irritated when she gained points for her house in his lecture. She then told about his death. Then at the end she told that Al was named after Professor Dumbledore and Professor Severus Snape. Rose always loved to hear about her mom's childhood and the years of hogwarts. Specially about battle of Hogwarts, she had already heard of many stories and deaths, about her Uncle Fred who lost his life during the battle, George had told them all about his twin brother and their shop, he always cried after finishing the story. He probably would have been severely hurt it was like a part of him has died that day. He could no longer conjure a patronus.

ON 1st of September.

Today was the day, the day when Rose, Albus and Scorpius will go to Hogwarts.


Scorpius got up early and ran downstairs to have breakfast he was so excited that he didn't ate much in excitement. He had already packed his trunk. He grabbed his owl and broomstick his father has bought him as a gift for his first day at hogwarts. He than saw time it was 9:30 am, he ran downstairs with his trunk, broom and owl. He was going to fall while he was running downstairs because he thought he will not made it and Hogwarts Express will leave without him. "Calm down sonny or else you will probably will not make to school because if you fall and break your leg, what will happen then". Draco said to his son. The Malfoys got into the car and left for King's cross station.


Rose was sleeping peacefully, without realizing the time it was 8 in the morning. Hermione went to Rose's room to wake her up but was unsuccessful. Then Ron went he knew exactly how her daughter will wake up. "Father's doll is still sleeping, huh? Ron said while sitting on rose's bed." Hmmmm. Can I have 5 more minutes please.? Rose said. "Well Rosie wonder what will happen if we got late for your school and Hogwarts Express left without, Huh? Ron said. Rose then opened her eyes and got up from her bed in panic. Ron knew what will wake her daughter up. He then kissed her daughter on cheek and went downstairs with her. "Look mione she's up, I told you I know how to wake my little doll up." said Ron to Hermione. Hermione laughed at it while Rose was waiting for her breakfast. Ron didn't ate his breakfast before with Hugo and Hermione, he decided to eat with Rose. Rose was eating with the speed of one hundred it looked like she was going to choke. "Hey, Rosie calm down or else you will choke." Hermione said to Rose. "Ummmm.. Mum I'm going to get late for my school, it's my first day." Rose said and then ran up stairs. After 20 minutes she was all ready with her trunk and cat, Crookshanks II in the car and she also got inside the car and then all of them went to King's Cross station. Same happened at Potter's Cottage they were also going to King's Cross.


Malfoys, potters and Weasleys were at King's Cross. Rose went through the platform with her Dad then everyone was there with them at platform, Hogwarts Express was in front of them ready to go in 15 minutes. Malfoys also appeared on the platform, Ron easily spotted them and their son Scorpius. Rose and Albus said their goodbye's to everyone while Rose was going her dad stopped her to say something to her. "Hey, Rosie see that guy over there that blondie boy, he is Draco's Malfoy son make sure you beat him in every test and if you started to like him you know that your Grandfather will never forgive you for marrying a pure blood, you know" Ron said to Rose. Rose knew everything about Draco but she thought it was not his fault to be a death eater he didn't wanted to be a death eater actually. Rose nodded to Ron and get into the Hogwarts Express with Albus.

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