Back to Hogwarts

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It was okay to say that Rose was pretty excited for going back to Hogwarts , as much as she loves studying she was excited to see her other best friends again. Scorpius Malfoy was giving the same excited vibes wherever he went before going back to Hogwarts. He had also enjoyed spending time with his family , even though Draco Malfoy was busy because of his work he still managed to take  time out for his wonderful wife and son . Narcissa Malfoy was also enjoying her Christmas .Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy divorced after 5 months of Battle of Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy now again lives in his Dark gloomy Manor , while his now ex-wife lives with her sister Andromeda who welcomed her with open arms . Scorpius spent more time with his grandmother because whenever he will meet his grandfather he will just tell him how to be a pureblood gentleman. He hated all of that things about pureblood mania. 

Back to the topic . 


Rose and all her cousins were on King's Cross station , going back to Hogwarts . Scorpius was also on King's Cross with his father . His mother was unable to come because she had an appointment at S'T MUNGOS . She was very happy to go there and his father was also in very good mood . You know it's not everyday you see Draco Malfoy joking and laughing too much . Merlin knows what is happening to them . Scorpius thought. Alexandria was also on King's Cross with her mother . Her father had a match today , so he wasn't able to come. We all know how much Oliver Wood loves Qudditch . 


The golden Four were sitting in a separate compartment . Talking and laughing about different things. Rose was wearing the necklace Scorpius had gave her , but she has hid it under her shirt. She was just like her mother hiding her feelings afraid that she will be rejected. Like both of her parents hid their feelings from each other. Merlin they confessed their feelings in their seventh year , in the middle of war. Her uncle Harry will still tease them about it . Enough of it . They all went to the washrooms to change into their Robes because they were almost reaching to their destiny.

Hogwarts. The Great Hall.

All of the students were sitting on their House tables waiting for Headmistress to give her usual speech .                                                                                                                                                                                       " Welcome back to Hogwarts. I hope all of us had good Christmas. Let me remind you that Mr. Flitch had told me to remind you all once again  that all types of pranking supplies are banned . Specially from Weasley Wizard's Wheeze joke shop ."   Headmistress Mcgonagall says . Albus and Scorpius turns to each other and winks . Minnie only sigh looking at their actions.  Alexandria laugh at them.


Rose was always in the library studying for end of year exams , while the other three chilled and relaxed. Right now the golden four were sitting in the great hall studying, well let me correct myself Rose was studying while the other three were playing exploding snap . 

"Look at you three playing these cards our exams are only 1 week later." Rose says without looking up from her charms book . 

"I'm fully prepared for them." Scorpius says . 

" Same here dude." the other two says .

Rose only looks up and rolls her eyes and again gets her nose inside the book . 

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