Cheating Of James Potter

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Golden four were seated on slytherin table. All slytherin were throwing glares at the two gryffindors. Rose glance at all the slytherin students and leans forward in her seat to speak to the others .

" Listen I was in the library the other day . There was a list of proffesors in a book who have teached inside hogwarts throughout the years . Whenever a proffesor joins hogwarts his or her name is registered in that book. I saw a name. Remus Lupin. Teddy's father . He was a proffesor at hogwarts too. He teached only one year and then left" Rose tells them silently so that no one will hear her .

"Woah, looks interesting. What was the reason?" Alexandria asks her.

"The reason wasn't written there but according to the year he teached our parents would have been here at hogwarts. They must have seen him . Albus can you ask Uncle Harry sometimes about it?" Rose asks him.

"Why not" he replies.

"Alright when I went a little further, I saw a name. Liam Hemsworth Carter. He was a proffesor at hogwarts too. He teached muggle studies. He teached here for three years. Our parents must have studied their last year by him . He was a hogwarts student before. He was very good in potions , defense against the dark arts and muggle studies. He was a half blood and he was sorted into ravenclaw. I am getting suspicious of that man . I think he owned that secret classroom" Rose tells them .

"Wow . He was brilliant" Albus says to Rose.

"He was indeed" she replies nodding.

"Well let's go to black lake and discuss it at our spot " Scorpius says to them .

" Hello Rose" A voice says behind rose .

She turns around to see Eddie smiling at her . Scorpius frowns .

"Oh, hello Eddie. I hope everything is good?" Rose asks him.

"Yeah . I just wanted to say that we can hang out on black lake today. Before lunch. How does that sounds?" He asks her .

Just as Rose was about to answer Scorpius beats her into it .

"No it doesn't sounds good at all . She has plans with her best friends  . Maybe arrange your date some other time" Scorpius says to him looking extremely jealous.

"We are not going on a date" Rose says to Scorpius defensively.

" I think we should hear her out first" Eddie says to them kindly.

"No need darling. We can hear Rose's heart . Besides it is going to rain today and you  should stay inside too unless you want to catch a cold " Alexandria says to Eddie getting up to face him and threatens him with her look . He gulps and nods . He goes back to his table without even glancing at Rose ,completely ignoring her.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR ?" she yells at her other three friends.

Albus covers his ears while others wince at her yelling.

"IF YOU HAVE GOT A PROBLEM THEN SORT IT OUT WITH ME. YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS , SCORPIUS ,AND ALEX YOU TOO? I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU" Rose yells at the other two. She gets up angrily from her seat  while picking her novel up from the table. She marches out of the great hall looking very furious.

Time Skip

Slytherins and Gryffindors were seated in the Charms classroom. Scorpius was glancing at Rose once in a while and Rose was totally ignoring him. Professor Flitwick was rambling about some stupid OWLs stuff . Alexandria was asleep beside Albus who was playing with a paper ball. He was making it fly by using his wand. ( It's LeviOsA charm. If you know then you know🤪).

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