Fifth Years .

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3 Years Later . 

'Be good okay . Have a good school year because I never had a normal one .' Ron Weasley says to his daughter who was now in her 5th year . She nods at him and kisses both of her parents on cheeks and boards the train with her cousin Albus. They sits in a compartment waiting for their friends. Suddenly the compartment door bursts open to reveal a girl with black hair which were slightly curled . The other two stands up and hugs her tightly . When they were about to sit down a  handsome boy with platinum blonde white hair enters the compartment door and hugs the others when he reaches Rose he awkwardly stands there then gives her a quick side hug. They both turns red like a tomato . 

' You know it's very awkward by seeing you two like this , just kiss already' . Alexandria Wood says sitting down . 

'Shut up Alex '  the other girl mutters still red . 

They laughed , ate and blushed , well that is for other two . 

They reached Hogwarts and Rose and Scorpius Malfoy looks at each other and smile while blushing . Like always they sat in the great hall waiting for sorting to end. You will see James Potter whining like baby for food, while his girlfriend Alexandria Wood will roll her eyes at him . They got together in Alexandria's 4th year. Now on often time you will see Scorpius Malfoy staring at Rose from Slytherin table , but will turn away quickly when she catch him . There was a sexual tension going between them . Albus and Alexandria were annoyed by this . They had been plotting behind them the ways to get them together . Rose and Scorpius were both stubborn . They were waiting for the other one to take first step . By hearing this we always should remember that Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger  shared their first kiss in their almost end of 7th year which they never completed well Ron didn't . Not to forget it was in the middle of war . 

At the teacher's table McGonagall and Hooch were sitting watching how their two students exchanged glances at each other . 

'20 galleons they will get together on the end of term ' McGonagall says to Hooch . 

' Nah after their 6th year ' she says back. 

' Well we will see about it' 

Scorpius Malfoy was laying on his bed seeing a moving picture of him and his best friends . He wasn't looking at the other two he was looking at red headed beautiful girl who had a broom in her hand. It was a picture of their 3rd year . It was their first Qudditch match . Slytherin vs Gryffindor. It was a picture of the golden four . Rose Weasley the Chaser , Scorpius Malfoy Slytherin's Seeker , Alexandria Wood Gryffindor's brilliant Keeper and last not least Albus Potter the Qudditch commenter . A fucking amazing one. Albus was singing a song  with mike in his hand while giving his middle finger to the camera and the others were laughing . Man he was just like Sirius sometimes. In the background you will see McGonagall facepalming and James Sirius Potter grinning at his brother . Scorpius was smiling seeing it specially Rose in that photo . 

Rose Weasley was brushing her hair when the necklace on her neck caught her eye . That necklace was the one Scorpius gave her in their first year . She took it out and smiled seeing it . It was true she had feelings for him but was too shy to take a first step . Alexandria Wood who was laying in her bed pretending to be asleep was looking at her with one eye open . 

' Love . Such a sweet thing to do ' . She said loud enough for Rose to hear . Rose laughed and throwed a pillow at her in response . They then started a massive pillow fight while their other roommates only sighed at them . It was a very cute moment . 

You must be wondering where Albus was . Let me tell you . He was in his brother's dormitory begging him to give him marauder's map because he had to do his famous start of term prank on everyone and trust me when I say everyone it means everyone , even Gryffindors . He even said he will tell this to his girlfriend that he wasn't giving him marauders map . James only stuck out his middle finger in response. 

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