Hogwarts Letter.

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On 19th of May Rose was very excited because of her birthday and that she will finally turn 11 and she will receive her hogwarts letter soon and will join her cousins, specially James. Rose considered James her older brother and shared her secrets with him. Albus was her best friend too and she shared her things with him too. James was going to attend his third year with Albus and Rose who will be attending their first year. They were both very excited about hogwarts letter. Rose woke up at 9 in the morning and joined her family for breakfast and then went to take a warm shower. Then she brushed her teeth and hair, while her Uncle Harry came with James, Albus and Lily to their house. The three mini Potters were going to stay in their house till the evening because Ginny had to attend a special meeting and Harry was busy today with some paper work in his office. The five of them went to play Quidditch with Ron while Hermione watched them sitting on the bench. She never liked Quidditch because she thought it was a very dangerous game and someone can easily die during this but the matter of fact no one ever died while playing Quidditch. Ron was playing keeper while James was playing seeker, Rose and Lily were playing as a chaser and Hugo was playing beater. All of them played for 1 hour and then Hermione called them for lunch. They ate the delicious food that was made by Hermione herself because she never hired a house elf even on pay because she thought it is cruel. After having lunch all cousins had a little chitchat about hogwarts, James told them all about hogwarts, and that how it will be fun to go to hogsmeade, James has gone to hogsmeade secretly using Marauder's map because he was not allowed to visit hogsmeade in second year. Third year's can visit hogsmeade and after some hours Harry and Ginny came for dinner and to pick up kids. They all enjoyed. After two months Rose and Albus received their Hogwarts letter and the list of supplies and books needed for first year. They decided to go to Diagon Alley on 30th August one day before hogwarts. Meanwhile on Malfoy manor Scorpius also received his hogwarts letter. Scorpius didn't had any cousins. At, his house he played Quidditch with his father and mother sometimes only with his father because his mother was ill because of blood curse. His father Draco Malfoy was a seeker in his school times. Scorpius believed that like his father he will also become a seeker because kids usually have their parent's qualities in them. Scorpius also received his list of schools supplies that are needed and his books. His father promised him that he will also buy him firebolt 2 the brand new broomstick for his school if he is luckily selected for Quidditch in his first year but that was not usually possible. Scorpius's mother told him to promise that he will write them every weekend about hogwarts and himself because she loved her son very much and will surely miss him a lot. Scorpius promised her that he will write every weekend about hogwarts and everything. He was excited for Diagon Alley and Hogwarts. On Rose's house she was reading a muggle book that her mother had gifted her recently on her birthday, she had already finished half book. She was just like her mother in nature and cleverness but in the case of food she would eat everything in front of her like her father and her brother and her mother will always laugh on her when she do it on table. Rose's favorite food in breakfast were pancakes and in lunch she always liked baked potatoes or something like that. She loved her mother's cooking. Her father always said that her mother is a wonder woman ( it's a muggle TV show) that she works at the ministry while she cooks and do the house chores at the same time. Her father and she also help her with house chores but not with food because both of them don't know how to cook. Today at evening when everyone was watching muggle show she asked her mother that when she can visit them she told that on Christmas holidays and on Easter holidays she can visit her them. She already started to think that how she will live without them for one year but Hermione comforted her that hogwarts is so amazing and interesting that she will not miss them very much but Rose would still miss them.

Sorry it was short because I was busy with some work I hope next parts would be long........................ Please comment, vote and follow. Do give me ideas...............

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