Like A Romantic Movie

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Rose was thinking about that diary. Maybe she can get something from it. She had heard about Tom riddle's diary from her parents, Uncle Harry and especially her aunt Ginny. She was possessed through that diary.

Alexandria has sneaked out to the kitchen to get something to eat. Rose was just thinking about that man, his diary more likely. There was nothing written in it. Well, to be honest Rose didn't check properly what was inside in the diary . Alexandria was too interested into his trophies to notice something else and Albus was too lazy to even take a look around. Scorpius was the only one interested into that man. Maybe Rose should talk to that Carter boy.


"COMING, ALEX" Rose yells back from her bed. She gets up and goes downstairs to find a table full of snacks. Pumpkin Pasties, sour quills and chocolate frogs.

" Guys, seriously? These are too much for the four of us" Ross says rolling her eyes at them.

" Live for once, Rose " Albus replies while chewing on a chocolate frog.

Scorpius was fiddling with the wrapper of some random candy trying to eat it but he couldn't take the wrapper off.

" Here let me open it" Rose offers walking over to where Scorpius was sitting. He immediately starts to blush remembering that he was going to confess tonight.

" It's okay, I don't have the appetite to eat it anymore" he says placing the candy back on the table. Rose raises her eyebrows and sits down beside him.

" Hey Scorpius. You know about Tom Riddle's diary right?" she asks him

" Yeah, of course I have. My dad told me about it. Why do you ask though?" he asks her confused.

"Look maybe it has a part of Liam Carter in it? We can write something in it and wait for the reply" Rose says looking hopeful. Scorpius shakes his head.

" Rose. I know you have a great theory but not everyone with a blank diary has putted their part of a soul in it but we can try it if you want" Scorpius answers her.

" Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to try anyways"

They look back to see that both Albus and Alexandria were gone.

" Where did they go?" Rose questions looking confused. She stands up and looks around the common room to see no one there.

Scorpius was messing with end of his shirt in nervousness and what he did next was surprising, it was so surprising that he himself couldn't believe what he did.

Scorpius grabs Rose's arm and spins her around and attaches his lips to hers. Rose eyes widens at the sudden action but she did not pull away, instead she tangled her hands in his white blonde hair while deepening the kiss which turned into snogging and slowly a make out session on the couch. Albus and Alexandria were hiding in the corner under the big table which was placed in the common room. Both of them were munching on popcorn while watching their best friends make out on the couch. They both looked as though they were watching a romantic movie.

Okay so I just wanted to say that please ignore my mistake about Scorpius's name because I don't know if it's scorpius or Scorpious.

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