More Accidents

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" The amount is increasing day by day five people are missing today. They were ministry workers too and were last found on a muggle street" Rose says while folding the daily prophet back after reading the front page.

" Hey, I was thinking that we should go back to the classroom and check there again. Maybe just maybe we can find something there" Scorpius says while putting a blueberry muffin in his plate.

" Same here. Maybe we can go right now. We have a lot of time before the potions and our first period is free and we have potions after and I am pretty sure sluggy wouldn't mind if we are a little late" Alexandria answers while refilling her cup with pumpkin juice.

The other three now turn to Albus who wasn't paying any attention to them. He was just stuffing his mouth with bacons. Alexandria rolls her eyes while Rose just sighs and Scorpius shakes his head while smiling amusingly.


The Golden Four were now standing in the classroom. Yet again trying to look for some clues. Rose was as usual looking through books and Alexandria was helping her. Scorpius and Albus were looking through all the files, letters and every piece of parchment they could find.

All the books were about Muggle products and Defense against the dark arts but there wasn't only defense books there were dark books too.

" I don't understand, why would a hogwarts teacher need a dark arts book? It's unusual" Albus says looking at the books that were even darker than his future.

" Guys look at that book. It's glowing" Alexandria says pointing to a book which was glowing with golden color.

" Let me see" Rose says but Scorpious stops her.

" No, it can hurt you. I will check it" he replies and steps forward to pick the book up from the table where all the books, parchment, files and everything was placed on.

Scorpious picks it up with his eyes closed, waiting for something to happen but the books just glows like it was doing before.

They all share a look around each other and then scorpius opens the book. Surprisingly, it wasn't blank like Tom riddle's diary.

The other three gather around Scorpious to see what was written inside. Scorpius opens the first page and sees a date written on it.

May 2, 1999

The start of something good

Nothing was written underneath it. Just the date and nothing.

" What the actual fuck?" Alexandria says.

Rose gives her a look.

Albus being albus snatches the book from Scorpious and his hand touches the date and then something really unusual happens.................... A memory starts playing in Albus's mind.

" It's been a year already and I can't believe it. When are you coming back sister? You know I miss you right? " a boy says speaking on a phone with his sister who was a muggle. Even though she was a muggle she was a total badass. Her name was Abby Carter. She didn't knew anything about her brother being a wizard. She was told that he is going to a boarding school. She was a very skilled agent.

" Don't worry, baby. I will be back soon" she replies sadly.
Their mother Peggy Carter had left the siblings for some man. She couldn't bear having children with one night stands. She became a playgirl when her lover left her. His name was........................................

I know what I am doing. There is gonna be a massive Crossover.
P. S : sorry for not updating I have my reasons 😐

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