𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.

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*sorry for any spelling errors, i'm super tired and have been wanting to update for you guys for forever and i didn't wanna disappoint!*

𝙆𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞 ⓧ

"But where's the baby gonna sleep?" Vera asked as we stood in the doorway of my room, "Uhhh...I guess I could move a few things around to fit a crib and all the other necessary things." I told him as Robert walked in, "What are we talkin' 'bout?" He asked as he took a sip of the Gatorade my mom gave him. "Just where the baby is gonna sleep, there are only enough rooms here for his parents, Maiya, and Kairi to sleep in," Vera said as he ate more from his bag of chips.

"You guys don't have a closet or anything to stick it in?" Robert asked, me and Vera both turned to look at him, "You want me to make my son sleep in a closet for the rest of his life until we get a house?" I asked, and he shrugged, "We do have a storage closet but there are no windows in there, I want him to have some sunlight in his room," I said as I rested my hands on my bump then sat down on my bed, "But I don't know what I and Mattia are gonna do about the living situation." I said before Vera's phone started ringing. I looked around my room seeing if there was anything I could take out. But everything in my room, I needed.

"Hello?" Vera answered as Rob sat down next to me, "Who is it?" I asked, he shushed me as he had a serious face on and handed Rob his chips, "Well...is he in big trouble or are they just holding him there until someone picks him up?" Vera asked, "Yeah okay...yeah I'll tell him now." He said before hanging up and looking up at me, "Mattia just beat the shit out of Eddie, he's in the hospital, it's bad." Vera said as he grabbed his hoodie.

"Is Mattia or Eddie in the hospital?" I asked as I slipped my shoes on quickly, Robert helping me to tie them since I can't bend down much anymore, "Eddie is, hurry," Vera said as he ran down the stairs, "How are we gonna get to the hospital?" Robert asked as he helped me walk down the steps, "Roshaun's waiting, hurry though," he said, "Bye Ms. Cosentino," Vera said with a wave at my mom who was sitting at the kitchen table. Clueless about what was going on, "Ma, I've gotta do something quickly, I'll be back, I love you," I said as I grabbed Roberts's hand and we speed-walked out of the house.


"I thought we were gonna see Eddie at the hospital," Robert said as we parked at the school, "No, we've gotta check on Mattia first," I told him as I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened my door, before speech-walking to the door and opening it, seeing our school secure out guard there with Mattia and the principle, "What the fuck Mattia!" I yelled as I hit him on the back of the head. "I told you not to hurt him," I said as the principal and security guard backed up.

"The fuck were you thinking!?" I yelled, he looked up at me with sorry eyes and shrugged, "He was pissing me off, I didn't like that he hurt you, so I told him to meet me at soccer practice, and then I punched him...over and over again," Mattia looked back down at his shoes. "I swear to god Mattia, your such an idiot, the baby is perfectly fine, he's healthy and safe in there, you didn't have to hurt him," I told him, and he nodded before the principle walked back over.

"Eddie just has a black eye and his face is pretty beaten up in general." He told me, and I nodded before looking down at Mattia, "I'm sorry for hurting one of your student's sir," He apologized before looking back down at the floor. "That's alright buddy, I'd be upset if someone hit my best friend too, take it easy Mattia, bye boys, and congrats," He said I smiled and thanked him before he walked off, the officer took the hint and followed behind him.

"If Eddie doesn't kill you, I will." I told him as I tapped my foot, "Sorry Kai," he said sadly, "Whatever, they could have suspended you, then what? Your good school reputation would be ruined, get up and get in the car." I told him, he sighed before standing up and rubbing his palms on his jeans before walking out, Vera, Robert, and Vera following behind him.


"Damn, Eddie didn't fight back or anything?" Alvaro asked, and Mattia shook his head with a smirk, "Stop that, it's not funny," I slapped his cheek as I laid my head one on his lap, "It's kinda funny, he was acting all big and bad when he was hitting you, and he and Mattia just had a fight, and look, there's not even a single bruise on Mattia's face, except for that scar but that's been there forever," Roshaun said as he ate more popcorn from the big bowl in the middle of my bed, "So, we were talking about the living situation earlier, could we continue because that's pretty interesting to me," Vera said as he turned to look down at me, and I nodded.

"What about living situations?" Robert asked as he grabbed the remote and paused the movie, "Well...as you know we're gonna have a baby boy, and we haven't discussed where he's gonna sleep and live and everything like that." I explained to them as Mattia wrapped an arm around me as I sat up, "So what's the deal with that?" Ale asked, "Uh...that's the thing, we don't know, we don't even live together now so...what are we supposed to do?" I asked, they all took a moment to think.

"You guys could buy an apartment or something," Robert said with a shrug, "Does it look like we have enough money to buy an apartment?" I asked, "Just use some college money unless you guys don't wanna live together and just wanna like have a split living system with each other and the baby." Roshaun said, I looked up at Mattia confused, "Huh?" I asked.

"You guys could have rooms for the baby in your house's and do like a split living thing, every day someone has the baby, or the baby could stay at one person's house and the other person can just visit," He explained, and I looked down at my tummy, "Is that an okay thing to do? Like...make the baby go from house to house every day?" I asked, and they shrugged.

"It's not the healthiest thing to do but, maybe you could..at least until you guys go to college, then you can figure out what to do from there. But it might be more complicated," Vera said, and I looked up at Mattia shocked, I had completely forgotten about college, who the hell forgets about college! I and Mattia haven't even figured out our living situation now, how the hell will we live with a baby in school? We would have to get an apartment or something...

"Oh shit, I forgot about college," Mattia said as he put a hand over his mouth, I heard the other boys gasp quietly, and I nodded, "Same," I said quietly. Well, what the hell are we gonna do now.


still super tired but i think i'm gonna do a flashback chapter to put together all the stuff you guys missed in the book and some stuff i forgot to add, like holidays, important stuff and shit.

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