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"Are you gonna come out soon?" Mattia asked my stomach as he kissed the spot Malachi had kicked at multiple times, "You gotta come out soon because Mama is getting tired, and we're ready for you bubbas," Mattia said, looking up at me and smirking sleepily, he took off school today to take care of me. Dr. Adams has officially put me on bed rest. My balance is terrible because of the belly, and it hurts to walk on my feet. I'm so sore now. Everything sucks

"Don't get him riled up, he won't be able to sleep tonight." I told him as I curled his hair around my finger, "Can I curl your hair?" I asked as I sat up a bit. "Why would you do that?" Mattia asked me, "Because it would be cool, and I'm bored, please?" I asked as I gave him a pouty lip.

"Yeah...fine, I guess," Mattia said as he sat up, "Maiya left her curling iron in the bathroom," I told him, and he nodded as he got up from my bed and walked out of my room to the bathroom, coming back in with Maiya's curling iron, "What if I don't like it?" Mattia asked as he plugged it into the wall close to me, "You can just shower and it'll go back to normal." I shrugged as I tuned the curling iron on.


"Are you almost done?" Mattia whined as I curled another piece of his hair, "Almost, just a few more pieces," I told him, smiling seeing his full head of curly hair, "You look so cute!" I said in a high pitched voice. "Awe, see, It's so beautiful," I said running my hands through his hair. "You have to let it grow out, so we can style it," I said, and he laughed as he took his phone out and went onto the camera, smiling when he saw how curly his hair was.

"You gotta cut your hair Kai, I can't even see your eyes," Mattia told me as he leaned over, kissing my cheek and smiling. "I'll cut it tomorrow," I said as I curled another piece. "Is your room still set up for Mal?" I asked him, wrapping a short piece of his hair around the metal part of the curling iron.

"Yeah, my mom comes in every day to make sure it's clean and ready for him. She makes me vacuum almost every week because she doesn't want it to be dirty." Mattia told me with a smile.

"Your mom is so excited to have a grandson, I can tell," I said, rubbing my side when I felt another cramp. I stopped curling his hair for a second, "Kai...you okay?" He asked me as he turned around, I smiled, not being able to take him seriously with the curly hair. "Cramps, I'm fine now," I said as I continued curling his hair.



"How many damn times do I have to tell you! It's not mine!" Mattia yelled at the officer, accusing him that it was his. "Then how the hell did that weed get in your car?!" He shouted, "I-" Mattia was about to yell again before him and the officers heard yelling. "Fucking dumbass!" Someone yelled, Mattia looked out the door window, seeing Alejandro pressing Eddie up against the wall and punching him.

"Hey, hey!" Some officers yelled as they pulled Ale off of him, "He put the weed in Mattia's car!" Ale yelled as the officers held him back.


"Are you still angry at me for the drinking thing?" Mattia asked as he turned his head to look at me, "No, not really. Now that I know Eddie gave you the drink and put the weed in your car." I said as I turned the curling iron off and unhooked it from the wall.

"I didn't even know he put some in my cup. He said he was just passing out drinks...and I'm an idiot for losing my keys, if I hadn't lost my keys, he would have never put the weed in my car...please remember that I didn't know..." Mattia said as he put his hand on mine. "Yeah, I know, you didn't do anything wrong," I told him as I brushed through his curly hair.

𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍: 𝟷𝟷:𝟷𝟷 ✅Where stories live. Discover now