•*°*• 25. Fluff (?) •*°*•

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Requested by : CookieSimp

Questionable fluff, for the one and simple reason that it's not angsty, bit it ain't some cute fluffy ship stuff either.


"Perfect !" the rogue whispered. "All I need to do now is picking this marvelous red gem, with all these other golden coins, these jewels, a-and I will be able to...!"

Roguefort walked on tiptoe, with his giant empty bag, and started filling it with a thousand of expensive goods. He did not dare missing one single coin, nor crown, nor even the tiniest diamond he could find.
Now, you must be wondering. How come such a criminal like he was, could intrude such a luxurious spectacle ? You see, this sneaky cookie has just escaped from the Cheesecake Manor, where he attempted to steal a jewel there. Alas for him, he got spotted by Walnut, the young but brilliant detective, that almost caught him in action. It was his own decision to immediately go afterwards to this other cookie's palace, where he heard he got his entire treasure trapped into a room... what was his name again ?

Ah, he couldn't care less. Now he entered the palace, and passed by the security guards, he could get to the point he was now, and his bag was entirely full. Yet... his greed was not satisfied, yet. He eyed at this pedestal, where a giant, red ruby was glowing by the dim moonlight the ceiling was producing. His eyes sparkled. He adjusted his monocle... he turned back and front on his feet, a couple of times. He rubbed on his chin... after all, it was just for one gem... how bad could this possible be ?
He finally decided he would rush to the gem, and take it in his hands. That would be where, at this right timing, the doors behind him would fly wide open. Roguefort gasped and swayed behind. His eyes widen, when he saw that man, with his long and swift purple hair flying over his white hat. A fan blew some air on his face. He seemed to frown.

"W-Why ! Hello there, buddy," Roguefort chuckled nervously as he hid the red gem behind his back.

"You !" he pointed an accusing finger at him. "What do you think you're doing here, with my treasure ?!"

"Well... you see ! I was checking upon it ! To see if the right quantity was here !"

"Really ?" The sultan rose an eyebrow. "If you are some sort of accounter, then tell me... why do you have a bag with you ?"

"To bring it back my place, silly ! I prefer being in peace, when counting it all..."

"Now, wait a minute. I don't remember hiring someone for that kind of stuff. And I remember seeing your face somewhere else..." he rubbed his chin... and once the flash came into his mind, he screamed shockingly. "That's right !! You are the cookie that steals jewels !! The one you warned me about, before I came to the party ! And you didn't even help me, you filthy robber !"

"Actually, it's not called being a robber," Roguefort clarified, "it's called being a jewels collector. Just like you are."

"How dare you say that !" he kicked the floor out of annoyance. "This is it ! Guards ! Catch him !"

"Woah, not so quick, friend-" but it was already too late. Roguefort got chucked down the floor by guards who jumped onto him.

"Now," the purple-haired cookie smiled smugly at him. "You gotta pay for what you did~ you say you count treasures ? Well, how about you go counting mine as well, adding all you tried to take away from me ? Yours truly, his Majesty Yogurt Cream," he slid a hand on his hair then turned away, walking to the door. "You may also be assisted by guards, so you wouldn't be up to some dirty business. I hope you understand~"

He winked at him before closing the door behind him. Roguefort wiped the sweat from his forehead, as the guards would free him from his grasp, and look at him carefully.

"Well. That was another close call for me," he chuckled again, before emptying the bag in front of them.

~The end~

pls lemme write oneshots with coo🅱️iesWhere stories live. Discover now