•*°*• 4. Fluff •*°*•

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Requested by : bread162
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Thunder crashed. He yelped, now rushing behind her in a seek of protection.

''Aww c'mon Cinny ! It's just thunder !'' Macaron sighed. ''It's not like it would kill us !''

''B-But... I'm still afraid... it's so big and dangerous. How can you not be scared about a thing like that ?!'' he exclaimed.

''On stormy days like this, what I do is that I count the sheeps-''

''... That's what you would do before sleeping, Maki-''

He didn't have time to finish his setence that another thunder crashed in the sky. Cinnamon shrieked before running to a shadowy corner, where he crawled himself in a ball.

''Aww, Cinny ! What are you doing here ? It's not the time to play hide and seek !''

''Please, m-make this stop !'' he whined before another lighting crashed in the sky. ''Can't you do anything with your drums ?''

''Well, I mean... I could play them... but I'm not sure it would do anything against the storm. Sorry,'' she shrugged before turning away. ''I guess I will just let you be. If you need anything, I'll be in the library.''

''O-Okay... wait, what !''


Macaron sat by the fireplace, her eyes falling on her novel. She read while enjoying her proximity with the wamrth of the fire next to her. She tugged on her glasses to adjust her sight. The slow pace of the rocking chair she was on amused her. Her whole attention seemed fixed on the pages, for she didn't seem to notice Cinnamon that crawled by the doorway to her. He now stood behind her, shaking like a leaf.

''There, are you done having goosebumps ?'' Macaron's voice suddenly rose in the room, making the magician beside her jump.

''W-Why did you leave me like this...?'' he asked, whining.

''I had to finish this story before it gets too late !'' she then showed him the cover. ''Ever heard about this one ?''

''Under an heartbeat... mmm, no. Never heard about it.''

''It talks about a drummist meeting up with a magician,'' she explained. ''The drummist is a person that enjoys little things in life, while the magician always wants to see more and more extravagant things. One day, the two people met each other, and they both found something in the other : one found something magnificent that they couldn't explain, something unbearable, too... and the other knew what it was, under an heartbeat. Right now, I am reading about how the drummist should plan to tell the magician about that feeling.''

''H-Hey !! This scenario... it almost looks like our first meeting !'' Cinnamon exlcaimed.

''Oh, you find so ?''

''Yes ! I remember beind so desperatly in love with you, I was utterly confused...''

''Aww, look at you ! You're blushing, now.''

''E-Eh ? No... I'm not...'' he rolled his eyes to the side as he pouted. The only sound remaining in the room to not let the tense growing even more was the sound of rain pouring down the windows, clapping aimlessly against the glass. Macaron flipped a page. Cinnamon then glanced at the book again.
''Um... w-would you mind... telling a bit more about this book ?''

"Just sit here, silly," the pink haired cookie giggled, petting on a stole next to her.

Thus started a conversation that lasted a good time, for even when the moon started to arise, leading the love birds to only have the dim light of the fireplace to guide their reading, they were still debating about how the magician could have find another way to gift the drummist.
The sky soon cleared up to let the shining moon appearing in the dark sky. Stars blinked along the astral body. The clouds dispelled, the rain now going away with it. No more rumbling sounds from thunder could be heard. The storm was now away from them. 
Now they were done talking, Macaron bucked her head to the side. She noticed the sudden change of weather. 

''Is it night time already ?'' Cinnamon asked from behind her.

''It looks like it... hey ! The storm cleared off !''

''O-Oh... really ?''

''Yup ! So, feeling better yet ?''

''I-I guess... our talk about this book distracted me from it !''

''Haha, I'm delighted to know.''

''H-Hey, Maccy...''

''Yes, Cinny deary ?''

''Maybe we could... talk about it again ? You know, the book...''

''Oh, of course ! ... When it will get stormy again.''

Cinnamon whined as Macaron stood up, ruffling his hair playfully. Together, they tugged the book back in place, and exited the library together, heading downstairs to go prepare dinner and call it a day.

~ The end ~

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