•*°*• 1. Fluff •*°*•

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//Yes hi my name is co-CEO of lemorange :)

Requested by : kw1206 (discord)
Specificities : None. Let's go wild.

Based on a prompt found on prompts.neocities.org


It was already getting dark over the cookie lands. Today's young lovebirds, the electrifying Lemon and the energetic Orange went climbing on a hill, hand in the hand because Orange was up for some stargazing. She met up with him at the exit of the town, and the two of them went exploring a bit, until she wanted to "see the stars upclose".

"Careful there," Lemon warned out, "the slope's a bit hard to climb on... don't get hurt."

"Nah, I won't !" she reassured him. "Not as long as I hold tight on these jawbreaker rocks !"

''Sure... still, beware.''

They climbed up the hill together, and once they reached the top -- with Orange helping Lemon climbing on top, for she was faster than he generally is -- they stopped and turned around to see a delightful surprise awaiting them : the sky was clear, and stars popped out in the dark pitch void like stains of paint on a canvas. Orange marvelled to the sight, while Lemon just stood there, watching her. She was running excitidely, now jumping on her feet, at her highest point. 

''Lemon ! Come give me a hand !!''


''I wanna catch a star !! They all look so pretty ! Just look at them, Lemon !''

''They do...- o-oi, careful here !! You're gonna fall at this rate !'' he exclaimed before hurrying to her. She was indeed close to jump off the cliff so much she was excited. He laid a hand on her waist, to prevent her from the fall.

''H-Hey ! Mind your hands here, big guy !'' she scoffed as she was dragged back by him.

''I just wouldn't like to see you in crumbles,'' he sighed, now sitting down with her. ''You know... we can also look at them, simply that, y'see ?''

''Oh yeah ! Stargazing seems pretty nice...''

Orange grouped her knees against herself, now rising up her eyes to the sky. Her eyes illuminated, due to how bright were they being up there. Lemon risked a quick glance at her. He felt himself getting lighter, just by seeing her smiling. He saw her getting admirative to the stars field facing them. That made him miss a heartbeat. He posed a hand on his own cheek. He felt it growing hotter. Orange looked at the sky a last time, before turning her eyes to him. That made him blush deeper, and he soon bucked his head to the side. She giggled.

''Hey silly, you should be staring at the stars, too !'' she told him.

''Y-Yeah, you're right... I'll do it,'' cue the long silence that installed itself between them, where both of them could do anything else but looking upwards. That was slowly getting awkward...

''H-Hey... Lemon ?'' he turned his head to her while she was still looking up. ''I just wanted to... thank you, for having the idea to bring us here. It sure looks peaceful ! I like it.''

''Oh... you're welcome,'' he addressed her the sweetest smile he could ever bring to his face... it was just too bad she wasn't able to see it. It soon faltered. He focused back on the sky. ''Say... I've never seen that many like these before... think we are around Moonlight's territory ?''

''Who really knows ! Oh look, Lemon -- a shooting star !'' she rejoiced, wrapping an arm around him. ''Make a wish ! Make a wish !''

''Hm... okay, I'll do one,'' he closed his eyes then fell to thoughts. ''Okay... just made one.''

''What is it ? What is it ?!''

''Orange, aren't wishes supposed to be secrets ?''

''I still wanna knoooow !'' she pouted.

''Silly...'' he played with her cheek, pulling it gently. She winced before pulling his hand off, falling in a laughing crisis. ''Uhm... Orange, are you okay ?''

''Y-Yeah !! It's just you're acting all soft all of the sudden, it's so funny to see !'' she laughed again as she saw him turning to a crimson red face, which he hid under his sleeve. ''Aww c'mon, Lemon ! I didn't say it was bad to look at ! It's actually... pretty adorable.'' 

''Oh really, is it ?''

''Of course ! Now c'mon, show me that face again... booyah !''

As soon as he uncovered his blushing mess, she jumped onto him, wrapping arms around him. They both fell to the floor with her on top, as she was hugging him. And she kept laughing heartily...
That almost made Lemon drop a chuckle on his side, too. His soften self has rose up again. But at the same time... how could you resist against such adorableness coming from a cheerful cookie such as her ? Nothing you could do to resist... he just kept smiling as he rose up, sliding a hand in her hair.

''Now that's it ! That is the Lemon I like !'' she said while smiling as brightly as the stars atop them.

''Heh... he has always been here, you know.''

''I've just never seen him like this before ! And it's so cool to see him like that. Just... thank you again, for tonight !''

Lemon smiled again as he saw her cuddled closely against him. She seemed so peaceful... he saw another shooting star passing across the sky, as he rose his eyes up to it. He took a deep breath.

I wish to never let her go, he thought while petting her head, softly. 

❤The end❤

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