Emotions and Nevermore

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Cyborg POV:Raven and robin was upstairs. And it was boring downstairs so I went to my room. when I was in the hallway I saw raven was on top of robin, they must have fell I hope. I saw raven getting up, I wanted to have some fun with this. So I grab raven's book and threw it at her then ran as fast as I can. I was laughing so much, when I got in the common room, starfire and beastboy were looking at me "why are you laughing so hard dude?"said beastboy "because I threw a book at her that's why!" Starfire gasp "dude!! She is going to kill you when she finds out"said beastboy "oh she won't because she'll just think it was you and will throw you out he window before you can say something" I said between laughters.

Raven POV: I teleported to my room as soon as I got up. I was so embarrassed but happy? Why an I'm feeling all these mix up emotions? I kiss robin so what it was an accident, it didn't mean anything to him. 'but it meant something to you!'said happy 'happy! What are you doing'I said annoyed 'if you really what to know what's going on rae then come to nevermore now!'happy left. UGH!! I grab my mirror and look into it I was about to say my chant but- "raven? It's me robin. Open the door, I know your in there" "leave me alone Robin! I don't want to talk about it!" "But raven" "I fell! It was an accident! Now please go I need to meditate". Robin left, I sighed I said the chant and teleported to nevermore. It was still quiet as always in nevermore. That's because I don't worry about things to much. "Hello? Happy? Wisdom?" I was walking I couldn't find any of them at all 'hi there rae!'laugh happy "stop calling me rae happy! 'Hello raven' said wisdom "so? What's so imported you guys had to tell me" I ask 'you have new emotion' said happy more excited then ever 'that's not all raven, you what to know why you are having these mix up emotions lately' I nodded 'well don't get mad but your in love raven' said happy "what!!!! With who?" I said shock 'robin' said happy "robin?" I couldn't believe me and robin? That will never work. 'I wouldn't say never' said jealousy; she had on a black cloak "who are you?" I ask 'a new emotion, I'm jealousy' 'and I'm passion' she had a purple cloak "wait. Passion and Jealousy? No, that can't be, I don't have those emotions" 'yes you do' said wisdom 'your jealous because you think robin still likes starfire' said jealousy 'and when you kiss robin, you was in love. He wasn't just a crush he's your brave charming prince who well rescue you from the demon known as your father. How romantic' said passion "I don't feel any of that!" 'Keep on denying it rae' said happy 'it will only make them stronger' "whatever I'm leaving" 'tell robin that you love him' said passion "no!" I went straight to my bed, I was so tried, I was going through so much emotions and stress. Right now all I won't was some sleep, and to get my mind off this whole robin and kissing him thing. After I wrote in my dairy some I fell asleep.

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