Its not ok!!

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Beastboy POV: "raven stop crying its going to be all right". Raven let go of me and stop crying a little then she look at the others. "Does this looks alright to you?!" she said. "well umm not now but it will later" I said nervously "Beastboy just stop" "stop what???" she sighed "stop trying to think positive about this whole situation. I know you're just trying to help, but it won't work. My dad and slade are back. And soon I will turn full demon and rage will consume and take control" "raven..... You don't know if that will happen" "yes I do" "no you don't Rae" "YES I DO BEASTBOY!!!!" She said very angry. Her eyes turned red, then she gasp realizing what she was doing her eyes turned back to purple. "sorry" she said and left the room.

Raven POV: "sorry" I left the room and went on the roof, then cried. "why!? Why me! Why can't I be normal? Why can't good things happened to me and leave it good. Why does everything in my life goes perfect but then crashes down and turn to be bad?!" I said to myself. I hate my life, I hate it!!! And now I hate myself. I wish arella was here right now I need someone that understands my life so I can talk to them. I heard footsteps and of course it was Beastboy "what is it now!" he was panting he must have been looking for me in the whole entire tower. "R-robin and the rest of them are waking up" he said. I started to smile "really!!" he nodded. I ran back inside "dang she's very fast for 1a girl who never runs" I heard Beastboy say. When I got to the infirmary. I could see they were started to wake up but very slowly "oh my azar! Yes!!" Finally Beastboy got in the room I went over to him and hug him "wow well someone's happy." I laughed and then look at him "very happy!!" He smiled and then kissed me!

Robin POV: the last thing I saw before I passed out again was Raven. I couldn't believe that I saw slade again! I knew I will see him sooner or later but not now! Not when we already have a lot of things to handle. Like Arella's death, trigon, Raven turning evil and the kids!! I was starting to wake up very slowing. I could hear Beastboy say 'dude!' 'Yes!' And 'Raven is going to be so happy!!' Before he ran out of the room to get Raven. When they got back Raven was very happy. The last time I seen her happy was when I told her I liked her too. Then out of no where Beastboy kisses Raven!?!?!?!? I got up and yelled "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!" raven push Beastboy away from her and gasp "robin"

Raven POV: "robin!" I said trying to hug him but he push me away. "really raven!!!" he yelled at me "dude don't yell at her!" said Beastboy standing up for me even though I don't need it "yeah you're right Beastboy I don't need to yell at raven but I do need to yell at you!" said robin "listen robin I'm sorry dude I always wanted to do that" Beastboy said looking down "robin?" he looked at me and he must have saw my wet clothes "raven is the kids-" "they're fine and its just some water i poured on myself to get slade away from you" "oh yeah thanks for that raven" he said I smiled and kissed his cheek "dudes! The others are waking up!!" Their heart rate was going up. A few minutes later cyborg woke up, I hug him "ugh my head it hurts so bad" he said "good to have you back cyborg" robin smiled "I miss you bro" said Beastboy giving him a high five "miss you guys too but where is that no good rage at. Just wait till I see her!" "don't worry cyborg she's back in nevermore where she belongs" then starfire woke up "F-f-friends? Is that you" she said "yeah its us star" said cyborg. Starfire gave all of us a big hug "starfire can't breathe!!!" we all said "sorry friends it just good to everything is the o of the k" I smiled but then I froze "hey raven why are your clothes wet?" ask cyborg "she just poured water on herself to get slade away from me" said robin "not this time" I said "what??" "MY WATER BROKE FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream

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