The first date(part 1)

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Robin POV: It has been a week since everyone knew me and raven was dating. And we haven't been on one date yet ,well if you call beating up beastboy for taking a picture of us kissing and laughing after it. But it still wasn't a 'date' I wanted to impress and surprise raven. She's the only girl who I ever really love I wanted this date to be special. But I was going to need some help from beastboy, cyborg and starfire. So I went over to the common room, raven was upstairs mediating.

Beastboy POV: robin came downstairs he looked so happy. Of course he was! He's been dating raven for a week! But not for long, as soon when they have their first date me and starfire are going to ruin it, I guarantee it! "Hey guys! Listen I need your help"said robin "what is it?"ask starfire "well I want me and raven first date to be very special and I need you guys help"he said "oh"said starfire in a hated voice while rolling her eyes. I snickered, then cyborg gave us both a mean glare "of course we'll help you robin!"he said "great so here's the plan, I want starfire to take raven to the mall to get her ready, I want cyborg to drive us to the restaurant and the park, and beastboy to help me get ready and get the fireworks!"robin said while going back to his room. I grab Starfire's hand and went to my room.

Starfire POV: when robin said he needed our help to help him with his first date with friend raven. I got very mad but mostly jealous. What does he see in her? I mean I'm pretty, I'm not dark, she maybe smarter then me and I don't hind secrets from friends. When robin went back to his room to get dress, beastboy grab my hand and took me to his room. "What is the meaning of this friend beastboy"i ask him when we got inside his room "don't you see star? This is our chance to ruin their relationship!"he said "oh yes! I almost forgot"i said "ok so here's the plan when you take raven out shopping I want you to get her the ugliest clothes to wear and I will get the worst fireworks in the store, also while they're eating I want the both of us to mess up their dinner and play the wrong song for them and if that doesn't work we have to go a little deeper got it?" I nodded, then went over to friend raven's room.

Raven POV: I was mediating, I haven't done it in a long time, mostly because of having all of those mix up emotions about robin. But know that I know he loves me nothing could ever make me unhappy as long I'm with him. I know this is not what I usually say but, robin brings the good and nice side out of me. "Hello? Friend raven it is me starfire may I come in?"said starfire knocking on my door. I got up and open the door "what" "I was wondering that we should do the shopping of the dress!"she said all excited. I knew something was going on, but I didn't say anything about it "of course starfire! When?"i ask "right now. Come on friend!" She grab my hand a ran outside. We went in this store called 'rule 21' it had a lot of clothes in there, great this is going take forever. Starfire clap her hands and went over to the dresses I followed her. While she was looking at the pink dresses I was looking at the black ones. I found this really cute high-low black dress, I went over to go try it on.

Starfire POV: raven was in the room of dressing while I was waiting for her. She pick out a dress that I would never wear, "no, I do not like friend" i told her "so what do you have in mine"she said crossing her arms "I pulled out a short purple dress with laces, I knew robin hated short dresses. "It's wonderful starfire I love it!" She hug me. After we finish paying for everything we went to the cafe to go grab some donuts and tea. "Thank you again for helping me star"raven said "of course friend I will always be here for you" I said "starfire you know your like a sister to me right?" I nodded "and I never want you to hate me. You are the most perfect girl I ever met! And I'm so happy to have you as a friend, I also hope this me dating robin doesn't change anything. Because if it does I understand. Sisters before misters right?" She said smiling "right"i said nervous. As soon as we came back to the tower I ran over to beatsboy room, I knock on his door he took forever to open it, so I kick it down. "Star! What the hell!?"he said I put the door back up "I can't do this beastboy I can't!" I yelled "do what?"he said "ruin robin and raven relationship" I said sitting down on his bed "you have to. We made a promise." I sighed I could never break a promise. He sat beside and hold my hands "star.... I'm so sorry if you don't want to-" I paused him "no friend beastboy it's ok. I know what you are going through loving raven and all, I've been going through the same thing. But raven told me a lot of kind and generous things and I just didn't know if I'm going to be able to do what we are suppose to do today" I look down sadly beastboy lifted up my chin and look into my eyes, I never notice that he had such beautiful eyes before! Such pretty green eyes and his smile! "Starfire you don't have to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with. It's ok I will always support you no matter what"he said smiling. Robin never told me anything like this before, beastboy is so different he always worry about me. I smiled at him, he came a little bit closer to me then kiss me!

Cyborg POV: starfire and raven just came back from shopping. I could tell something was wrong with starfire, so I followed her, she ran to beastboy's room and kick the door down. Dang! Why is she going to beastboy's room in such a rush? I kept on thinking to myself. When she put the door back together I went over on the other side and listen. All I could her was starfire panting really hard. What is wrong with her? Then I heard something about a plan? Oh my god! They must got together to destroy raven and robin's relationship. Damn that's harsh!! A few minutes later everything was quiet and I heard them kissing!! Oh my god!!!!! I ran to my room and fainted with all this drama coming.

((I am so so so sorry guys that I haven't been updating I was planing to do as soon as possible, but with school and violin concert I couldn't. I hope you guys are not mad at me. Also I might be able to update again tomorrow! But right now I need to go to sleep. Night guys😴))

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