The twins part 2

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Slade POV: it was time! And it was just in time too. Finally I can get some action like old times. I walk other to trigon "it's time master" I said bowing down. "Excellent..... Take the army with you and don't come back without them or your dead!" Trigon said "yes master..." I opened up a portal to the tower. "the end is near once again titans" I smirk under my mask.

Raven POV: I was finally mediating after everything that happened. The twins was asleep in my bed and I was on the floor while everyone else was getting the safe room ready for the twins. I started to hear someone laughing, it sounded like my father then I heard him say "the end is near!" I also heard "I'm coming raven right now" it was Slade's voice that time. I opened my eyes in shock then scream. I pick up the twins and teleported to where everyone else was. "Raven! We heard screaming is everything all right?" ask robin "NO! It was trogon! Somehow  he got to me while I was mediating and told me that's he coming right now! We have to get the twins to a safe place right away!!!!" I said "I take them to the safe room friends" said Starfire I handed her the twins, then I say down because I was started to have a panic attack I was so scared. I never been this scared before.

Starfire POV: I took the twins and took them to the safe room. When I got there I started to hear laughter "who's there?" I ask while I was in my fighting position ready to throw star bolts at whoever it was. I heard it again "Show yourself now!!!" I yelled. "as you wish" said the voice. It was Slade of course, "come near Raven and Robin's children and I swear-" I said but Slade caught me off guard "You'll what? Hit me with your little star bolts? Listen Starfire I'm not after you, heck I'm not even against you! I'm against raven and robin and so are you" he said "what do mean?" "you know what I mean. Ever since they got together you been against ever since then. Well now here's your chance to destroy them! By giving to little brats to me Starfire. And who knows you could be a good apprentice for me" he said coming closer to me. I started to think about what he said. I have been wanting to hurt them ever since they went out. But I would never give their children to Slade! That's just wrong. But then again... I don't know what should I do. Slade got near the twins, they started to cry. Then all of a sudden a big rock hit Slade YOU LEAVE MY BABIES ALONE!!!!" yelled raven. She ran over to them. The rest of the team just look at me, they looked disappointed. Finally robin said something "Are you serious Starfire!!! We heard and saw everything! Were you seriously going to let Slade take the twins!?!?" he yelled at me. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say, because if I said no they would think I'm jealous and if I said yes they would be angry at me. "I'm sorry friends, I kept on having the thinking on my mind and I didn't know what to do. I am most of the apologies...." I said looking down. Hopefully they weren't too mad. "Fine but don't let this happen again okay star?" Said Robin, I nodded and follow them to the common room.

Beastboy POV: we heard the babies crying from the safe room and Robin and Raven got scared. They ran up and told me and Cy to keep an eye on the security cameras to check and see if slade was anywhere in or near the tower. Then it kept on beeping "Slade!!" Said Cy. We ran up there and saw Robin yelling at star and Raven hold the crying twins while slade was knock out on the floor. Starfire had apologize but still they were pretty piss. "I'll put slade in the confessing room and lock him in there" I said grabbing the unconscious slade. After I handcuffed him and lock the door I went back over there. "Did you find rage?" I ask "no not yet but she's close I know she is"said raven. As soon as she said that a portal got behind her, and an arm reach out of the portal and grab raven by the neck. Rage came out of it "RAGE LET HER GO NOW!!" demand robin. I turned into the beast and everyone else got in their fighting position. "uh uh don't take one more step titans" said rage she pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Raven head "or I blow her brains out" she finished we all backed down. But she still had the gun "now the little brats give them to me!" She said "Wait! Rage if you kill raven that means you'll die also because your just one of her emotions. And when she's dead she doesn't have anymore emotions." said cyborg I could see what he was going at "yeah! So if she's gone you'll be gone to and even if she turns evil you'll never be in charge rage. You are only just an emtion and that's it nothing more." I said helping cy out

Rage POV: was it true? If raven is gone I will be also? Am I really just an emotion? NO! They're just trying to trick you rage now focused and just shoot raven now, trigonometry wouldn't care. He'll still have me. "Trigon would kill you if you kill raven rage. And yes I heard what you said thanks to me and raven's bond. Without raven rage your nothing!!!!!" robin had said "NO! That's not true!" I said panting a lot "it is rage it is true" said raven trying to get out of my grip. Inlet her go, she went over to the titans. I drop the gun "just take me back to my prison in nevermore" Raven smiled "my pleasure" she grab the mirror and said her chat. With that I was teleported back in nevermore where all the useless emotions are.

Raven POV: I had put her back where she belongs and I'll make sure she stays in there forever this time. I turned around and hug Cyborg and Beastboy "thanks guys for that. Your the best!" "anything to stop my baby sis from getting killed" said cyborg "same we don't want you to get killed we'll do anything to keep you safe mama" said beastboy "thanks again" I turned around to face Robin "Ro-" before I could say anything the alarm went off it was no other but Trigon "Raven stay here with the twins!" Command Robin "but Robin I can-" he cut me off "that's an order!" He yelled. They went outside and started fight him. I knew for a fact the wouldn't stop him but they did distract him for a while. Now I could start my plan I've been working on. I've been reading my mom's journal ever since rage killed her. The last thing she wrote was how to defeat Trigon for good. And how to do that was for the twins to get really close to him while hold Azar's amulets it was very powerful. All I needed to do was open a portal in it. "hopefully this works. Azarath Metrion Zhinthos" both of the amulets was cover with black magic. "Ready?" I said the the twins. They both laughed "I'll take that as an yes" I put the amulets on both of them. We went outside to where the other was fighting trigon. Cyborg must have saw me because he yelled saying "go back in the tower!" but I ignore him and fly closer to Trigon "raven what are you doing!?!? I thought I told you to stay away!!!" Yelled Robin "trust me I now what I'm doing. Oh azar i hoe this work" Trigon had saw me now "well look who came. Came to give up and give me my new gems?" he said "not a chance father dearest" with that the twins laugh and the amulets glowed "NO!" Said trigon in fear. Finally he disappeared into the amulets and both of the amulets broke and turned into gems just like mine on my forehead. The gems landed on the twins head. I went back over to the others. "I told you I knew what I was doing" "you did but I had no idea the babies were the only ones who could defeat him" robin said in shock "neither did I so it looks like we got a lot on our hands now with them" "yep hopefully trigon is gone for good" he said "yeah hopefully......"

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