Mothers and slade?

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Raven POV: after a couple of days, I started to feel much better. Me and robin made up, and he promise he wouldn't keep secrets from me anymore. But, I feel like not only him but everyone else is keeping secrets from me, even my own emotions! I haven't seen wisdom in forever, I might see happy sometimes, the weird part is every time I go to nevermore all I see is pain, she just laugh and have this creepy smile on her face. I don't know why but, I feel like she's planning something. It has been a couple of months now and I'm five months pregnant! Robin still thinks I will have the baby at nine months, but he's wrong I'm only half human. That doesn't mean I have all the human abilities and all, I'm suppose to have the baby at eleven months. That's not the only secret I've been keeping from robin and my team, it's really scary for me, whatever I should handle it anyway.

Robin POV: Raven had finally started acting like herself now. She stop avoiding me and slapping me. Me, beastboy and starfire was still not talking to each other. Cyborg had went over to steel city for the week to visit bumblebee for their one year anniversary. It was very awkward with just the four of us.

Starfire POV: I was a little bit upset with myself about almost killing raven, not only did I ruin my friendship with her I also lost it with robin too. Cyborg had too leave for the week and both beastboy and I was scared to be alone with them, we beg friend cyborg to take us with bet he said no. Me and beastboy was still coming up with a few plans. "So what should we do this time friend?" I ask him, "I really don't know but we better hurry the more time we waste the more they get close together"he said "well does raven's mother Arella know about her pregnancy?" I said. Beastboy's ears went up, I could tell he had a good plan "no, I don't think so, but raven never talks to her so she have to not know! All we need to do is find away to get her and fast. Because who else can ruin a relationship better than a mom." I clap my hands "yes friend, I love this plan, but just like you I wonder how can we get in contact with her? We can't go ahead and ask raven she will get suspicious." We both started thinking really hard on this one, then I got a great idea "slade! We need to ask slade!" Beastboy was in shock when I said that "slade? No no no! How are we going to find him? And he will never help us, plus how does he even know how to find her?" He said "he use to work with raven's demonic father trigon, so he has to know where to find her also robin never decided to look at the place where he was his apprentice, he said he doesn't want to be reminded of those memories." "That's a great idea! Come on let's go now!" He grab my hand.

Beatsboy POV: me and star had just made the best plan ever! Of course raven's mom, some mothers will takes over the relationship and go crazy with the boyfriend. And slade! He has too help us. I grab Starfire's hand and we ran over to the door, but robin and raven spotted us they were sitting down working on the computer "where are you guys going?" Said robin "uhh me and starfire are going on a date! Yeah that's right were dating." I said really fast. It took a while for everyone to get too "a date? Cool, we should go on a double date tonight"said raven "can't! Me and boyfriend beastboy will be gone for the whole day so goodbye!" Said starfire we ran outside and started flying "that was so close"said starfire "too close. Look, there it is!" We went inside. It was very dark, we could feel like someone was watching us we knew it was slade "well, well, well. Long time no see titans"he said

Slade POV: I was in Gotham for the last couple of years, but today I felt like going back, I went over to the place where robin was my apprentice. For some reason I had a feeling two titans was coming to visit me over there. I was right, starfire and beastboy was there, I smiled "well, well, well. Long time no see titans" I said. Starfire eyes glowed green and beatsboy turned into a T-Rex. "Now clam down titans. I was just saying hello, no need to start fighting. So why are you two here and alone? You must want something. Let me guess, you need my help to get revenge on your fellow titans?" I said smirking under my mask "how did you knew?" i laugh "what can I help you with?" "Well we need your help contacting raven's mother Arella"said beastboy "we need her to come to the tower now"said starfire "of course I'll help you! All I need to do is say the chant and she will be here" I said "thank you so much! But how come your not backstabbing or attacking us yet?"said beatsboy "that was the old me so are you going to let me help you or not." They step back "Azarath Metrion Zinthos Carazon Rakashas Enderez Vaserix Endrien Azarath, Azarath, Azarath!!" A black portal filled up the room, then we started hearing screaming, a couple of seconds later Arella was here and the portal had left. "What the azar?" She said looking around "Why am I'm here!?"she yelled starfire went over to her "hello raven's mother, I am starfire one of the teen titans and a friend of raven. Uhh raven has a um surprise to tell you but she was too scared so we brought you to earth to come and talk to her" she said very nervous "Raven? That's impossible she never wants to talk to me" Arella said "oh but she does she finally decided to talk to you and make peace. So tomorrow we will go visit her"said beastboy "ok I will talk to her"said Arella. Beastboy and starfire high-five. I was just standing there smiling, 'those titans have no idea what they got themselves into. Now that I'm back, nothing can ever stop me!' I said to myself

Robin POV: I knew starfire and beastboy was hiding something, but I really didn't care as long as I got to have some alone time with raven. When they left me and raven was trying to get a lead on slade "he's not here!"I said we were still checking to see if he was in jump city, but we couldn't find any clues. "How about look near the woods?" Raven said I look at her "remember robin when you use to work with him the building you where at was somewhere in the woods it's got to be in there. All check was on the campus not the woods, underground or the ocean. So just try it" she said I went back over to the computer and look in the woods. The screen started blinking red and making noise "he's there? He is there! Yes! We found him we finally found him!" I said so excited, I hug raven really tight she started laughing "well looks like someone's happy? So should we go after him" she said I sighed "not now we have to wait for not only beastboy and starfire but for cyborg too" "ok then" raven said then she kiss me "so I was wondering do you want a boy or girl?" She said i was so surprise when she ask this she kinda hates to talk about this stuff "well I really kind of want a girl but I actually want a boy also" I said "ok"

Raven POV: For the rest of the day me and robin was getting a lead on other villains and talking about the baby. The next day I was the first one too wake up, I went outside on the roof looking at the sun. I haven't did this ever since when the prophecy was coming. "Hey rae" said robin he sat beside "hey" "long since we been up here hasn't it"he said "very long time"i said "so why are you up here?" "I just wanted to clear my mind some I can't mediate or go into nevermore so this is the last place I go to so I can." I said we stayed up there for a while then we heard beastboy and starfire coming up over here I got up and turn around "how was your 'date'- MOM?"

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