Jealous much?

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Y/n P.O.V~

I was in the crow's nest, training with Zoro, helping him with his push-ups while sitting on his back just talking to him and counting. "Am I heavy?" You said in a worried tone while Zoro growled in annoyance. "YOU HAVE ABS LIKE ME SO WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOUR HEAVY!? AND DON'T LOSE COUNT!" I would know I'm not heavy, but I have abs because I'm mainly with Zoro in the crows nest. "Y/N!! COME PLAY WITH ME!" I heard my captain say from down the latch. I sigh right when the latch flug open.

"Y/N!" I growl in annoyance because, he does this everytime and Zoro either laughs or says 'Y/n's helping me train Luffy' or 'Y/N's training, now leave her alone', but this time he just laughed and so I had to say it myself. "Luffy I can't play right now, I'm helping Zoro. Right Zoro?" I glance at Zoro who stops laughing."No-" I hit Zoro on the head before he could say no. "I mean yes. Y/n is helping me train, sorry Luffy." He said in a 'I'm in pain' tone, which he was in pain. My punches are as deadly as Nami's but stronger.

With those words said, Luffy pouted and sat on the ground while I sigh to myself and finish helping Zoro.

after you finish helping Zoro~

Second person P.O.V~

After you finished helping Zoro, you got off his back. "Oi, Y/n, we're not done training yet, remember, you have to help me with my weights." Zoro said grabbing his weights. You totally forgot about that. "Right, sorry." You said, scratching the back of your head and taking a glance at Luffy, who was still pouting, which you found cute."You like Zoro more than me, don't you!!?" Luffy's pouting expression then turned into a mad one.

"Luf-" You couldn't finish your sentence because, Luffy ran to the latch and slammed it shut. You were sure he was mad because, the way he slammed the latch, it shook the entire boat. You ran to the window and saw Luffy slam the boy's room door too. You sigh and look at Zoro to get his permission if you could check on Luffy and skip his training for now, he nodded his head.

You ran out the latch to the boy's room and saw luffy on one of the hammocks with his hat clenched on his bare chest, (yes all these are after the time skip. sorry if i spoiled it for you) tears in his eyes. You could hear his quiet sobs so you closed the door behind you to give you both some privacy. You didn't mean to hurt him, just to train with Zoro and help him.

You never saw your captain like this at all, with those words said in your head, it made you want to cry but you held your tears. Now you had just noticed, you have been helping the whole crew and not playing with Luffy, and all those times he wanted to play with you, he just sat there and pouted everytime you refused. "Luffy?" You said walking towards Luffy slowly. "Go away. Go help the whole crew and forget about me."

Those words hit you the hardest, and a huge wave of guilt hit you and drowned you. "I-I wanted to say sor-"

"It's to late Y/n." His voice became serious as ever. Even more serious then when he's fighting and you know he's serious when he's fighting. "Luffy...please, listen to me. I'm sorry. I'll play with you now, i'll do whatever, just please..don't be mad at me." Luffy took a glance at you, and looked you up and down which made you have a tint of pink on your cheeks.

"You said whatever, right?"

"Y-yes." You tried to say in a brave voice. "Come here." Luffy's tears weren't there anymore, but you immediately obeyed. You wanted your captain to forgive you no matter what. (THIS SERIOUS LUFFY IS NOT INNOCENT!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!) Once you were close enough, Luffy grabbed your waist and sat you down in his lap and smirked. You were blushing like crazy but, the lights were off. The only sense of light was the lamp on the desk. Suddenly, Luffy started kissing your neck and once he found your sweet spot he sucked it. You tried to hold back your moans but small ones still came out.

The only thing you could think of is 'WHO, WHEN AND WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY TEACH OUR INNOCENT CAPTAIN HOW TO DO THIS KINDA STUFF!' Other than that your mind was blank but, something deep down inside you wanted this to happen. When Luffy was done with leaving love marks on your neck, he moved to your ear and whispered.

"You're cute when you're all flustered like this all for me." You blush and shiver at his words while he just smirked you.

"Just. For. You"

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