Your Secret Pt. 3

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tw: blood and gore and yucky stuff

Siting hopeless, you heard footsteps approaching you. You didn't wanna look up, scared that it might be someone that will hurt you. "Kill me...." You whispered to yourself as the footsteps came closer and louder. "Y/N!!" You heard a familiar voice shout out. You looked up with a water face. It was your ginger haired friend, Nami. "Y/n, what are you doing? Why are you crying?" She questioned. She shook her head and grabbed your shoulders in an attempt to lift you off your feet. You shrugged out of her grip and got up yourself, wiping your soggy face.

You looked at Nami. "Nothing...." You lied, turning you head back to the front battlefield. You saw Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy being bombarded by a ton of low-life marines. You knew you had to do something, but you were already messed up. Your powers would slip out at any point during the fight. "Y/n, we have to help them! I'll go get the ship and you go help them." Nami planned. You winced lowly are her idea, but you knew it had to be done, so you went with. You rushed to the battlefield and Nami rushed to the boat. You took a deep breathe, trying to contain your powers before you unleashed them.

You finally went to help but it wasn't much. You were only one person and most of them went for you, thinking your weak because they thinking your weak with no weapon. You looked around all while defending yourself. Your eyes saw the site of Sanji getting a little tired from all the marines coming after him, Zoro getting irritated, and Luffy getting tired as well. You bit your lip seeing your friends struggling, you thought it was all your fault. You were getting frustrated yourself from the marines non-stop attacks.

You growled at them, your anger taking over the battle for you. Your blood boiling so hard you could feel it burning you hands. You let out a loud, harsh shout.



*Thud Thud*

The sound of thuds came all over, ringing in your ears. There were bodies every, piles of blood where they lay. Oozing red goo everywhere. You saw the site and froze, not even blinking with a horrified face. Your vision blurred at the scene you witnessed. You breathed heavily. Trauma memories rushing through your mind like a waterfall. You wanted to scream but you felt like your voice was gone. You wanted to move but your legs wouldn't allow it. You felt like your knees would break. Your consciousness suddenly leaves. Your eyes feeling heavy, your legs giving out to the weakness. You fell in the one pile of dirt not trenched in the thick red liquid.


You woke up in a doctor-like environment. Your eyes shot open like a bullet. Your eyes skimmed the room to see a small reindeer looking at you in panic. "SHES UP!" It yelled. You sat up quickly, wincing at the feel of your throbbing head. You looked at the little reindeer and remember what happened. You gasped and almost fainted again. "NO! STAY AWAY!" Chopper said, and briskly put his hand under your pounding head. "Chopper..." You uttered. You looked away, hoping Chopper wasn't aware of what happened. He frowned at you.

You and him both turned your heads to the sound of the door creaking opening, being met with the whole crew. They didn't look very happy, especially Luffy. You bit your lip while tears were created in the corner of your eyes. They must've known it was you that had caused that mess back at the island. You turned away in shame, closing your eyes, freeing the liquid in your eyes. "Y/n..." You heard the cook spout out. You were too scared to look at them, their gazes upon you staring into you. You heard footsteps approaching you and a the sound of something being set on the table next to the bed.

You looked only at the cup of water that had been placed. You took it and drank it, hoping it would ease the headache, even if it was ever so slightly. You held the cup in your lap as you sat up, looking at the drops of tears flowing into it. You let out a light sob, letting that be the only thing that filled the room with noise. You heard your captain sigh and it made you feel even more guilty. "Y/n, what the hell was that back there..?" You heard a slightly angry swordsman chat. You pursed your lips. "I-I don't..." You couldn't even finish your sentence without being interrupted by a sob.

"I'm so sorry..." You said placing the cup motionless in your lap and covering your eyes with your palms. "Can I have a moment with Y/n?" Luffy spoke. The rest of the crew nodded and left the room silent. Luffy leaned up against the closed door and looked at you alone. "What was that?" He asked you. All you did was sniffle, terrified at the lecture you were about to receive. You wiped your endless falling tears as your sobs get a bit louder. You were the wooden floor creak as you Luffy walked towards you. He sat next to you and looked at your wet figure.

You didn't wanna look up, but you felt a hand on your chin force you too. Your vision watery from tears as you looked at the ebony color haired boy. "Y-your gonna get rid of me..." You mumbled to yourself, becoming free of his hand, wiping your soaked face. Luffy gave you a sad expression. "What?" He asked you confused. You lay down on the bed and covered yourself. "Get rid of me already..." You said loud enough for him to hear. He blinked at you and uncovered your head. "I'm not getting rid of you." He told you. "Just do it... I don't belong to such great people... I'm a killer..." You told yourself, weeping.

Luffy clicked his tongue and scooted closer to you, caressing your face. "You're not a killer... You were just trying to protect us." He assured you. You brushed his hand away and blocked your face with a pillow. "I am! My own family said so..." He told him. His eyes widened at your statement. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "You know exactly what I mean!" You said, looking up and suddenly snapping at him. He looked at your puffy eyes. You bit your lip and cried once more. Luffy pulled you into a tight embrace, not allowing you to get out of his grip.

You tossed and turned into the hug struggling to get out until you finally gave up. You rested your banging head onto his shoulder and gripped the back of his shirt. You cried loudly into it, letting out all your tears and cries. Luffy patted your back reassuringly, digging his chin into your neck. "It's okay Y/n..." He told you. You sniffled and looked at his black pupils. "I'm sorry Luffy... Please... forgive me.." You asked of him. He smiled at you lightly. "Why wouldn't I?" He said. You and Luffy stayed in there alone, talking about your past.

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me early?" He said with a slight pout. You chuckled, it coming out a bit stuffy from crying. "I was scared you'd kick me off. But then again, I thought you'd kick me off either way." You told him, looking down into your lap. He frowned at you. "I would never." He reassured you. You puffed out your lips a bit and hugged Luffy yet again, stuffing your face in his chest. he hugged you back, a little surprised at the sudden action. "Thanks a lot Luffy." You said, turning your head and going him a soft smile. He smiled back at you. "It's nothing." He said giving you a soft kiss on your head.

You blushed and looked up at him. You didn't say anything, just blinked. He gave you a toothy grin. All you did was smile back at him and kiss his chin. "I love you Luffy." You told him. "I love you too."

finally finished. sorry for not updating, i was focused on my other stories. requested by: @JessySaphire

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