Little Neko

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You were a stray cat rummaging around the garbage trying to find some food until a couple of punks came and kicked the garbage sending your little body flying through the air in to a pile of garbage bags. You open one eye to see one delinquent picked you up by the back of your neck where your fur piled up so it didn't hurt too much. You hissed and swung your claws but you were to far from his face to claw at it.

You were scared of what they were gonna do to you. You didn't want to leave the garbage place because it was your treasure. You had a sick sibling (any gender) that you had to take care of. They were there for you your entire life. They helped when you were little and now you had to help them when they needed it. Although it was hard, stealing from people, running to not get sold or forced to go to someone's home. Life was hard as a neko.

You just have to be accepted into the life you have and can't get a new one until you're reborn. That's exactly what happened to your sibling. They passed away due to their disease. You gave them the healthy food and you ate the trash. They offered to give you some healthy food but you declined to keep them healthy. If you could switch your places with them, you would.

The delinquents snickered and walked off making you swing side to side they carried you with them. "Wonder how much this one'll get us." One delinquents blurred out. You look at them, petrified. You didn't want to be sold. That shelter held dear memories that you liked to keep. You couldn't get sold. No matter how nice they may seem, 'humans always have a dark side.' , is what you always thought.

You squirmed wiggle trying to get out of the grip of the delinquent but the grip was too strong. The nails of the delinquent went into your dirty fur to your skin scratching it. You meowed in pain and stopped resisting trying to not dig yourself a deeper hole. You knew that this would happen one day but you wanted to live a couple more years before it actually happened. You hanged their think, no, knowing that no one would come to help you until...

"HEY, WHAT ARE DOING TO THAT POOR CAT!!?" You looked back behind you with tears swelling in your eye. You spot a straw-hatted boy with a mean looking expression built on his face. The delinquents looked at the ravenette and gave him a ugly look. Your hopes of getting saved were low but you still hoped. "Get a lost kid!" One delinquent said. "That's none of your business!" Another yelled, the one in front.

Then one ugly one walked up and wailed his hands to his comrades and put a cocky smirk on his face. "Don't worry guys. I got this." He said, trying to be cool but failed miserably because you were giggling/meowing uncontrollably . The one of his comrades gripped on your fur digging his nails into you skin again. You meowed in pain again. This made the straw-hatted boy have that same mad expression he had earlier.

That expression made you scared. Then back to the dumb delinquent trying to fight the straw-hatted boy, started to run to him with his fist up and threw a punch at the ravenette but missed. You giggled/meowed quietly so the delinquents wouldn't hurt you again. The ravenette started getting frustrated, seeing you squirm and wiggle trying to free yourself.

He wanted to end this quickly so he just easily punched the delinquent in the stomach to get it over with. The other delinquents stood there shocked until they saw who it really was. 'Straw Hat Luffy'. They saw his wanted poster on the side of a fruit stand that the delinquent that was fighting him got launched into. They dropped you and ran away in fear. The angry expression on his face eased up as he walk towards you. You scooted back away from him he moved closer  taking his hand and putting it toward you.

You closed your eyes as you saw what he did to the delinquent. You felt something pat your head and open your eye that had tears in them. It had so much warmth and gentleness in the touch. You never felt something like this after your sibling died. You look at the so-called Luffy boy with wide cat eyes. You saw the reflection of your sibling in those eyes of his.

He picked and made his way to the boat dock. On your guys way there, you pass the alley with the home you held dear. You tried to get out of his grip but he held on tighter. You looked at him but his straw faded over his eyes. He made his way into the alley and picked up your so-called 'home'. He put you in it and continued his journey to the boat dock.

You felt wetness in your eyes as he did this. This was the nicest human being in your head. You feel a liquid run your furry cheek and in front of you, you spot a blurry boat from your tears. Once he got there to the boat he set the dirt house down and walked in front of you. "You can come out now." He said with a snicker and cute grin. You crawled out of the dirt house. "Franky!" Luffy called. Then a big guys with robotic parts came out.

He looked like he knew what Luffy wanted. He then grabbed some tools and started to give you home a little fixer-upper ya' know? You were about to hiss but before you could, the site before you amazed you. It looked beautiful. It wasn't like the dirt house it used to be but it looked like a queen's house. It had f/c walls and s/f/c (second favorite color) for the roof.

You had sparkles in your eyes. Suddenly, you picked off the ground and carried it upstairs to some bathroom place and you were put in water and washed. You could see all the dirt that was on you. It felt good to get it all out. You then shake dry and look at the person who washed you. It was a woman with orange with black hair dark as night behind her.

You look and see Luffy standing at the door way. You run in between his legs and he picks you up. "I'll name you Y/n!" He declared with a kiss on your little cat nose. You lick his nose in return. After introducing everyone to you and feeding you healthy food, Luffy took you to his room and then he cuddled with you to help you rest easier.

im sorry this is longer than usual. the one i worked on yesterday didnt save i had to restart over again ;-;

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