Holiday Special (AU)

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sorry lil late Happy Holidays

Stressing, pacing around your room, panicking about your present. You had absolutely no idea what to get Luffy. Yea, he liked a lot of things, but you wanted it to be special for your boyfriend. You thought about giving him meat but, it would've expired. You gripped your head and brushed your hair in all sorts  of ways. You sat on your bed and covered your face. It was almost time for the party over Sanji's home but you still didn't have a present.

You had a present for the rest of your friends but not even for your own boyfriend. You sighed in defeat, leaving your house and going to the party. By the time you got their, everyone was already there, some helping with the cooking, others playing outside, and others by the fire warming up. You quickly headed inside with the presents for your friends and went to put the under the tree. You hoped they would ignore that there was a present missing.

You took off your coat and headed to the kitchen to find a busy Sanji and Nami and a alcoholic Zoro. You washed your hands so you could make the cooking process go fast. "Y/n-chan, you don't have to help. You can rest." Sanji said, marinading the meat with some wine in a skillet. "No no, I want to." You retorted. You thought if you did something, it would free your mind from the missing present for Luffy.

"Yea but, weren't you out shopping all week?" Nami chimed in. You look down, cutting some tomatoes. "I did but I already rested. I'm fine, really." You lied having remember the non-existing gift you couldn't find your boyfriend. You sighed quietly from it. You then heard the door open and in came two people and one animal, wet and snow covered. You giggled at their appearance. "WIPE YOUR SHOES OFF DAMN IT!" You heard Sanji yell at them, specifically Luffy.

The floor was now wet from Luffy boot. Robin came out of the bathroom with towels as Chopped and Usopp hung their coats up. When you were done with the tomato cutting, you gave them to Nami to take care of. You went off to go and hang Luffy's coat up and sit with him by the fire. He sat on the sofa with silky hair from the melted snow. You at next to him and lay your head on his shoulder.

You frowned a bit at the thought of Luffy not getting a present from you. "What's the matter Y/n?" Luffy asked, looking at you. You plastered a fake smile on your face and reassured him. "I-it's nothing! I'm just cold." You mentally scolded yourself from the stutter, making it obvious. You heard Sanji call you all for dinner and everyone rushed to the table. You sat next to Luffy and got yourself a plate with only one piece of meat and some vegtables. "That's all your gonna eat?" Zoro asked, drinking from his alcohol bottle.

You nodded with a forged smile. "Yea, I ate before I got here." You fibbed. Zoro stared at you before taking another swig of his alcohol. Everyone started to eat when you just sat there and mixed your food together. "Y/n, aren't you gonna eat?" Sanji questioned. "Yea, just waiting for the food to cool."You made an excuse. You finally started to eat while everyone was half way or all done with their food.

"Okay everyone! Let's open presents." Nami said, standing over by the tree. Everyone moved to the sofa while you were stalling, trying to eat. "Y/n~ Hurry up." You heard your childish boyfriend whine. "Luffy let her be! She's just savoring the taste." Sanji told him. When you were done, you went to the sofa and sat next to Luffy. You were hesitant to lay your head on him. Nami started passing out presents.

It was cool until she got to your presents and you gulped. Luffy was full of presents from everyone else but yours. You felt your eyes sting from sudden tears setting up in your eyes. Luffy noticed this and brung you into his embrace. "Y/n, why are you crying?" Luffy said, sounding worried bu quiet so the other members would realize. "I-I didn't get you a present." You whispered with a light sob.

"I don't need a present. You're the best present I could ever have." Luffy reassured you while planting a kiss on your head. You looked up at him with your wet face. "B-but-" You were cut off by a pair of lips on yours. Giving in, you kissed back. You pulled away before any of the others could see. You blushed as Luffy's thumb brushed over your eyes to get rid of any threatening tears to come out.

"It's okay, because I didn't get you a present either." Luffy said with a toothy grin. You pouted at it, but you couldn't really be mad because you didn't get him one either. You guys sat their together and cuddled, bundled up under the covers and watched everyone with their presents.

oml this sucks. hope you had a great Holiday

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