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how tf did that last part get so many votes? I freaking hated it. anyways this one was requested by @MikaGhast I personally like the idea

You were getting ready for another important date and this time, it was gonna be big. The town you had recently saved knew they owed you one, and this was their way in returning the favor. You slipped on your (f/c) dress and (f/c) shoes. You brushed your hair and put it into (your fav hairstyle). You sprayed on some perfume and put on some lotion. You checked your make up before leaving the door. Mascara? Check. Lipstick? Check. Everything in general? Check.

You took a deep breathe before heading out the door and being greeted by fireworks in the air. They glistened in your eyes as there was a large smile on your face. "This way, ma'lady." You heard Usopp say, bowing and leading you with you a red carpet. The Sunny was covered in hanging lights and the moonlight shown on it just perfectly. You walked along the red carpet to the stairs of the Sunny.

There were 2 guys standing next to the following red carpet all the way out into the steps of the Sunny. It was Sanji and Zoro, bowing and leading you with one hand. They both had on tuxedos and they looked wonderful on them. You could tell Nami was next to them just in case they bickered. She wanted this to be perfect for you. You slowly walked down the steps and into the red carpet that led to the restaurant you were eating at.

But before you could go any further, you heard revving from what seemed like an engine. You looked around to see where it might've been coming from, but you couldn't seem to find it with your eyes. You finally saw lights of a vehicle coming from the top of a forest. It got louder as it got closer. Suddenly, you see the vehicle run off the forest cliff and land right in front of you. You could tell it was a motorcylce. It drifted in a circle, but guest made sure nothing got dirty and to blew the fog away quickly.

When the motorcycle stopped, you saw your boyfriend with dark shades on and look directly at you. He tilted the shades of his eyes and winked at you, showing his white  toothy smile. Luffy was in a black tuxedo, not even a pint of dirt on him. You felt your face light up with joy and small tears in your eyes. Luffy got off the motorcycle and it was quickly picked up and parked. Luffy held his arm out for you to wrap yours around.

"Y/n." He said, looking at with, removing his shades. You giggled. "Luffy." You said back. "Shall we go munch on the delicious meat they have prepare for us. You choose your head at your precious boyfriend Luffy. You could never get over him after this. "Yes, we shall." With that, you both let the red carpet lead you into the restaurant, arm in arm.

@MikaGhast I hope this is good enough. I personally like the way I wrote it and I hope you guys do to

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