How I tried to Save Everyone and Made More Problems in the Process

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       Pandora's dimension was worse than I thought it would be. I clutched to the staff, ready to fight as a swarm of different monsters that came my way. Swinging the heavy staff back and forth, I opened a random portal, and trapped each of them in a different dimension. I jumped from platform to platform as I saw openings appear. It was hard keeping up with the insanity that Pandora created as her home, but I had to do it if I wanted to stop making every bad situation worse. It was the least I could do for Pit and Palutena and even Dark Pit. They had helped me out so much. I almost slipped as I opened a portal to trap another monster. I had been jumping for 20 minutes, and I was close to my limit. My energy was running out, I was tired, and I certainly wasn't ready for what I had already been through. Pandora couldn't be far away, then. That's when I slipped on a moving chunk of a platform and fell into the endless void below me.


     Black. All I could see was black. I looked to my left and then to my right. There was nothing to see. Suddenly, a voice started talking in my head. It said the most awful thing that not even I wanted to admit.

     "You are a loser, but you know that. It's the only thing you've known since you were cursed with bad luck," the voice said. No, no, no. Not the dream again. I didn't want to be forced into another nightmare dreamed up by my bad luck. "Your family doesn't love you, your friends don't love you, and you think Pit or Palutena would care. How pathetic."

     The next thing I saw was pavement. I got up off of it and looked around. I was on Kari's doorstep. It was hard to believe, but it had only been a week since I had been there and saved by Pit. Much to my surprise, the neighborhood around me wasn't covered in nature and reeking with monsters. It was quite the opposite of that. Everything seemed normal until I saw the sky. The meteor was coming fast. I had been given a second chance at my life, and I refused to waste it. I ran as fast as I could as other people around me retreated in the other direction of the meteor. Running into the forest, I looked around for Pandora's cave. To my satisfaction, the cave was in the exact location it was the last time. The cave was pitch black beyond the shadows, but the meteor forced me to take refuge. The floor below me started to crumble and I could feel myself fall as the gravity pulled my body further and further into the black hole. Suddenly, the gravity shifted, and I was falling up, if that is possible.

     "Well, hello little child. What are you doing in my domain?" The voice echoed in my head, only it wasn't just in my head. It was everywhere. My blurred vision cleared up enough for me to see the owner of the voice that had been haunting me since I was a child. A woman with a blue ponytail sat next to me. "Oh, you don't have the energy to move, do you?"

     I slowly pulled myself up to meet her. "I-I can move."

     "Oh good. I was afraid that I would have to wait," she smiled.

     "Who are you?" I was at eye level with her, slowly regaining my strength. "Are you Pandora?"

     "Gee, I didn't know I had a fan club!" she giggled. "And you're Atë, goddess of bad luck and misfortune. It's an honor to finally meet you in person."

     "But, your the voice in my head that cursed me with bad luck," I pointed out.

     "You and I were friends before Zuse turned you into a human, with no memory of the gods. I put my voice in your head to help you remember. It didn't work, did it?" Pandora pouted.

     "I'm not Atë and we are not friends. You can't curse someone and expect them to like you for it," I protested with all my strength. "In fact, I would like you to take it away."

"What's the point in that?" the goddess asked.

     "To get your box back," I explained and took the box off my back.

     "Oh, I don't want my box back, though it was really sweet of you to come all this way for me," she said sweetly.

     "Then at least take this curse away," I begged. "I'll do anything! Please!"

     "Then we can make a simple deal," she protested. "As the old goddess of bad luck, you have one duty to fufill."

     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "Oops! I said too much. Well, let me give you a shove in the right direction," she forcefully took the box out of my hands and opened the latch. Every evil in the world swirled around the black room. In the middle of it was someone I had seen before in a painting. The painting was a picture of Pit defeating Hades. Hades was here! In an act of panic, I opened a portal with the staff lying next to me. everything in the room was sucked in. I closed it, leaving only Pandora and me. "Great job, Atë. You sent the boss straight to his own domain!"

     "I WHAT?" I shrieked.

     "Looks like you've still got it, Atë!" Pandora cheered. The worst part was that this was all my fault. I had brought her the key to the distruction of the world.

     "Well, it's been fun Pandora, but I have to get back to Skyworld before Lady Palutena finds out I've been gone," I said a hasty farewell and opened a portal back to Skyworld. This was not good. Not good at all.

The Goddess of Bad Luck (Pit x Reader x Dark Pit) (Under Editing!!)Where stories live. Discover now