The Adventures of Blue the Cat 2

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 The plan was to get me into Hades' domain and claim to be Atë back from the dead. The original Atë could spread her bad luck wherever she wanted. I couldn't do that, but Hades would assume that I had all the same powers. I was accompanied by Dark Pit due to his ability to blend in with the darkness of the underworld.

     '(Y/n), stay strong. Even if Pitoo's there," Pit spoke to me privately through his laurel crown. 'I wish I was with you, but lady Palutena didn't let me go.'

     I giggled. 'Don't worry, Pit. I'm sure I'll be fine. It's not like Dark Pit will drop me.'

(Blue's Pov)

     The bird boy's face shriveled up with anger and I couldn't see why. The green-haired woman, the bird boy, and I gathered around the screen of moving pictures. I hoped for the delay of Carl's arrival so I could spectate the quest of the human girl who only let me know kindness when she was around.

     The bird boy's eyes were glued to the screen and in particular, the raven. I could tell by his body language. Clenched fists, tense structure, and eyes of worry and hatred. My journey in the other world gave me time to analyze the ways of humans. The human was dropped off by the raven boy near an eerie temple. If you could call it that.

     The raven boy fought his way in, taking out all defense guarding the creepy structure. As they approached large doors, the raven said a few words into the human's ear and disappeared with the wind. The bird boy was about to lose it and I could tell that the green-haired woman noticed as well. The atmosphere in the room darkened at the bird boy's reaction to his raven counterpart. As much as I wanted to leave, Carl was doubtlessly waiting outside to suffocate me in a tub of cold water. The thought of that kept me exactly where I was. I sat atop the lap of the green-haired woman as the human entered the haunting double doors. The human pushed one of the doors open to reveal someone sitting on a throne. The man with the most eccentric of looks laughed at something as he held a book.

(Y/n)'s Pov)

     "HAHA- Atë? Is that you?" Hades was laughing at something he read in the book in his hand before immediately seeing me. I didn't know how the old Atë acted, but I gave it my best shot.

     "HADES! It's been too long! I haven't seen you or Pandora in forever!" I tried to have a devil-may-care attitude. I could hear everyone snicker with my laurel crown at my impression.

     "It's been WAY too long. We need to have a party to celebrate your arrival, how on Earth did you manage to come back? Pandora must have pulled some strings with Zeus," Hades had thankfully fallen for my lies.

     "Pandora thought ahead and gave my soul to a pathetic human,' I stuck out my tongue, pretending to be discussed with my body. "She truly is chaotic."

     "So, you remember your past life as a goddess now? Goody!" he exclaimed.

     "Yes, and as appreciation for your support in my last life, I ask that I work for you in this life. After all, I still have my powers of bad luck," I bowed as a sign of my service.

     "Oh, Atë. I would be honored to have you in my army. You are just the bit of crazy I need to take down Pitty-pat and Palutena. Your powers are a legend in the world of the gods," Hades elaborated. "But before plotting, we must celebrate your return to the dark side after all these years."

     "Hold on, let me call Pandora," I said and tried talking to her over my laurel crown. Taking the initiative to call her would only make Hades believe me even more. 'Pandora, are you there, bestie?'

     'EEEEE! Atë, you have come to your senses! I am so happy!" Pandora squealed.

     'I'm back and feeling better than ever!' I pretended to be joyful.

     'Pandora, we're throwing a welcome back party. Can I hire you and your decorating skills this weekend?' Hades asked with enthusiasm.

     'I work for free when it comes to Atë!'Pandora exclaimed.

(Blue's Pov)

     The human had managed to get on the good side of the eccentric man. I knew she would need protection, so I activated my secret power. The humans back in the day worshiped me for my power. Even if I was slightly out of shape, I had to try. I rubbed my front paws together and started to feel the swatch of blue on my forehead become warm. Before I knew it, I had teleported on top of the human's head, causing her to panic. I guess I am rusty.

(Y/n)'s Pov)

     "BLUE!" I gasped. How he got on top of my head was beyond me.

     'I didn't know you had a cat,' Pandora stated. 'He's such a cutie! I'd pet him if I was with you guys.'

     'Don't worry. I'll bring him to the welcome back party,' I prayed that Blue wouldn't die at the party. I had gotten myself into another impossible situation.

The Goddess of Bad Luck (Pit x Reader x Dark Pit) (Under Editing!!)Where stories live. Discover now