The Concert

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We piled out of the car, after putting on fake moustaches, wigs, and hats, and entered the stadium.

"Tickets, please."

Liam took off his glasses. "Um... listen, we need a favor, we have to see Sophie, so, could you let us in?" The lady at the ticket stand's eyes widened.

"One Direction... oh my gosh, of course! Yes!" She looked flabbergasted.

"Thank you," Liam nodded.

We walked into the concert arena silently. It was dark, but it was okay, since we knew the way. We had performed anyways.

We heard music, and screaming. We opened a door, and saw the stage, and five girls. "Sophie!" Harry cried out, pointing to the stage. I looked at the big screen, showing the girls.

I nodded. There was Sophie, wearing a tie that has a penguin wearing a santa hat, and, well, a santa hat. They were talking now.

"Let's answer a few Twitter questions, shall we?" Allie asked, in an elf hat.

There were even more screams, like, "Pick me!"

All eyes went onto the big screen. "Okay, this one's from.... Kayla! Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?"

"I have a cat name Ginger. She's orange, and reminds me of Garfield." Sydney said.

"I have a husky, and his name is Marco," Natalie said. She was wearing a striped shirt and a hat. Yay! Stripes!! Work it girl!!

"And I, have a husky too, and his name is Polo." Sophie said, giving us a thumbs up.

There were awws in the crowd. Someone yelled out, "Sophalie Glasinson!"

"Okay, next question. This one's from Amber! Are you Directioners? If you are, who do you prefer the most?" Sophie looked at Morgan.

Morgan laughed. "Yes, I'm a Directioner. Hundred percent yes. I think all of us are, right?" Morgan motioned to the other girl. They all said yes, well after Sophie hesitated for a moment.

Wait, did Sophie not like us? Harsh!

I went over to Hazza for comfort.


"I think all of us are, right?" Morgan said, motioning to us. We all nodded. I hesitated for a second, because I'm not sure if I was a hundred percent Directioner.

"And which boy?" Morgan asked. "Well, I don't really have one, but I'd have to say Liam. Because he's so nice and caring. Just like a puppy!"

"I agree with Morgan, but I'd say Zayn. "Cuz he's all mysterious and stuff." Allie said.

"Louis for me!!" Natalie shouted.

"And Harry for me." Sydney said.

"And uh, Nialler all the way!" I said. The girls looked at me. "I mean, come on! Who doesn't like Niall? He's adorable, wears snapbacks, and he's Irish."

"Just like you!" Natalie squealed. I smiled and nodded.

Somewhere out in the crowd I heard a 'I TOLD you!' Why did that voice sound familiar?

"And, uh, back to the tweets!" I said, looking back at the big screen. "Alright... this one's from Ava. Can you sing us a song? Pretty please with all things yummy on top?"

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