Can't Time Just Speed Up?

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Hello everyone. c: I know I haven't updated in like forever, but things have been quite rough lately, so thank you for bearing with me. xx i wuv you bbys


New York! New York! We're finally back at one of my favorite cities, after for what seemed like a lifetime. I couldn't but look all around at the amazing views, the skyline, the people, and definitely not the paparazzi. As much as the flashing lights were making my eyes go blind, nothing made my happiness fade away.

I couldn't help but jump excitedly up and down as we walked back into the busy airport. I could barely hear Natalie tell me to calm down by the loudness of the airplanes. It was really loud, my ears were probably going to explode and bleed to death and then I wouldn't be able to watch those other famous people perform like psy even though I really want to see him because you know he wears those awesome glasses and has that amazing hair like Louis and- "Ow!" I said, rubbing my arm. "What the heck?" I cried out, glaring at Natalie.

"I told you, calm down! Stop acting like that one time you got drunk on hot chocolate. Come one, we gotta go in before it starts raining. And remember," Natalie said, grabbing my hand, reminding me of that really mean and nasty judge person, "Try to act normal for once. Let's make a good impression on those celebrities and not act like a bunch of twelve year olds." Natalie gave me a wink and skipped off to catch up to Rosie.

"But I am twelve!" I groaned and shuffled over to where Allie and Sydney were standing, signing some autographs. I heard my name being called, and smiled toward the fans that had their phones out.

"Sophie! Sophie!" My gaze led towards where my name was being called. I waved at the girl, who looked to be around thirteen years old. "Have you met One Direction yet? How was it like?" Aw, so she was a directioner. I don't know why, but I just find people who's a fan of a tweenager girl group and a boy band who's almost 20 both adorable and hilarious.

"Yeah, actually I did! They're um, really tall. And they can eat a lot." I said, giving the girl a smile.

She smiled dreamily, and sighed. "They're so dreamy, you know? I just want to take a piece of them and keep them forever and ever in my closet where I can do whatever I want-"

"Well, would you look at the time!" I said uncomfortably, looking at my invisible watch on my sleeve. "We're almost late for our ride. It was nice talking to you, but we have to leave now." I grabbed Allie by her hood and dragged her inside.

"Thanks for doing that Sophie. It's not like you could have choked me to death or anything." Allie said, fixing her jacket.

"You're so very welcome my Allie."

"Girls, where were you? We've been looking all over the place! Now come on, we've got a ride to catch." Rosie said, appearing out of no where.

"Have you checked outside?" I suggested. "That's where all the cameras and fans are."

"Oh shush it, you," she said, taking my hand like a little first grader and rushing out of the room. "I've got to take your hand, Sophie dear, cause who knows where you'll be taking the girls to next."

I frowned, and had had to take much bigger steps to catch up to her. First grade was so five years ago. Seriously, I think I'm old enough to walk on my own. And besides, I am not little; I'm a good four foot eleven. Almost five feet. "Ah, there's our ride." Rosie said, pointing over to where a really skinny guy in black was holding a sign that said 'Anonymous'.

"Um, are you sure that's a taxi driver? And not a secret spy who's planning on taking us to some abandoned barn and blow us up?" I said, not sure if I should follow Rosie and risk getting killed or take a run for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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