The meeting

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                                                      *Sophie's POV*

"We need to ask you something..." 

 There was an awkward silence.  I started to get impatient.  "Well, what is it?"

 "Oh, well-" Liam's phone rang.  He took his iphone5 out of his pocket and looked at it.  Gr... celebrities... iphone5... ipod... grr.  "Shoot, we're late! Come on! We gotta get going!" Liam said, turning to the door.  

 The rest followed, but Zayn looked at us before heading on the door. "Come on, guys.  You're coming too."

 "We're coming too? To where?" Natalie said.  Yeah, where are we going? You took the words right out of my mouth.  I shrugged and skipped out of the door, following the boys. 

 The other girl ran to catch up to me.  I looped my arms through Natalie's and Morgan's and started singing the Wizard of Oz song.  Pretty soon the other girls were singing along too.  "We're off to see the wizard! The wonderfull wizard of Oz!!"  we slowed down to a stop when I saw the five boys looking at us strangely.  

  I shrugged, and said, 'It's an American thing."  Someone from behind me stiffled  a small laugh.  Probably Allie or something.

 Zayn eyed us carefully, before opening the door to a room.  "Omigosh, where did this come from??" I said, running up to the door and looking at it in amazement.  "It's like, magic or something! I mean, it must have came from a different planet and stuff!" 

 "Yeah, and that planet is called Earth, Earth to Sophie!!" Sydney said, walking up to me.  I saw in the corner of my eye that the boys were trying to hold back their laughs.

 "Um.... POTATOES!" I exclaimed.  Wow, too much pressure.  Couldn't come up with a good com back, so I just shouted out the first thing that came into my mind.  


 "Let me say this slowly," I said, turning to Allie.  "Poooootttaaaaaatttooooooooeeeesss," I said, making sure I said it really slow.  

 "Um... lets... just, go inside, now," Liam said, walking to the door, with the others following behind them, like little ducklings.  Aww,, ducklings.  I smiled, still thinking about ducklings and pie while Natalie dragged me into the room.

 I jumped up a little when I heard the door slam behind me.  My jump caused Morgan to jump, which caused Allie to flinch, which caused Sydney to shriek.  A little.  It sounded a little like an eek, you know?

 "Ahh.. so this here, is Anonymous?" My eyes wandered to a man with brown hair.  Simon Cowell.  Cool beans.  

 I did a thumbs up with my thumbs (in case you didnt know how to do one) while Sydney said, "Ya." 

 "Well, I'm Simon Cowell.  We've been looking forward to seeing you."

 "I know.  And that's Josh, and Lou, and Baby Lux!" Natalie said, a little too enthusiastically. I looked over to where Natalie was pointing at, and saw three othe people  I never saw before. 

 "Well, looks like we got a Directioner over here! Now, who do you like? Louis?  Harry?" Someone who I think was Lou said.

 I looked over at Natalie, who was looking at the ground.  She was moving her toe around and looked a little uncomfortable, and blushing a little.  

 I couldnt stand seeing Natalie look uncomfortable any longer, so I stepped in.  "Well, would you look at the time! We gotta go, or we'll be late for rehersal!!" I said, grabbing Natalie's arm and walking out of the door.

 Once we were out the door, Sydney closed it and looked at me.  "What was that for??"

 "Natalie was uncomfortable. So, I made an excuse so she wouldnt have to suffer anymore."   Natalie smiled at me and gave me a hug.

 "Suffer? You just walked out on One Direction and Simon Cowell! Are you crazy?!?" Allie exclaimed.

 I shrugged.  "Maybe I am.  But seriously, we have to go now.  We actually have a rehersal in like, 30 minutes and stuff."  I grabbed Allie's arm and headed for the door. 

 I think someone shrugged, then started to walk with me.  I smiled and headed out the door, preparing for the loud screams of the our fans.  

                                                        * Harry's POV *        

 I followed Liam into the meeting room trying to hold back a laugh.  Ahh, that Sophie.  She's just too funny.  Maybe even funnier then Louis.... looks like we're gonna have some competition.  

 I smiled as I heard the young girls bicker over something useless, which was, of course, led by Sophie.  I tried to listen to what they were saying, but I could only hear little parts of it.  Something about marshmallows, a campfire, and... hippos?  

 I shook it off, but not literally, and looked over at Louis.  He smiled, and looked over at the girls.  I smile too, and continued watching the girls talk about hippos and stuff, until the metting started.  or, until the meeting almost started.  

 Lou had just asked the girl next to Sophie, who I think was Natalie... or Morgan a question, when she started looking at the ground.  I smiled cheekily at her when she looked at me, and knew, that she like me.  More than Louis.  Ha! Beat that Louis!  

 Alll of a sudden,  Sophie said that they had a rehesal and left the room. Wtf was with that??

"What just happened?" I asked my fellow band mates, spinning around in my swivy chair.

 They just shrugged and started talking about our new album.  


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