When One Direction came into our life

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"So, let's start with those questions, yeah?" Jeff said, pulling out a clipboard. "Ok, so here is a question from a fan on Twitter. Where did y'all get noticed?" I'm starting to think he has an accent, since he always says 'y'all'. Y'all... don't those Texas people say y'all?

"That's easy," Allie said, sitting on the table. "We first got recognized on youtube."

"Ok, number next. Natalie, where did you learn to sing?"

"In music class at around grade 1." I stiffled back a laugh, almost choking on it. Who still says 'grade 1'? I can't believe I'm best friend with this girl.

"This last question's for Sophie," Jeff said, reading from the clipboard. Oh. I bet I know what it is. "Sophie, is it true that you are an orphan?"

"Yes." I automatically said with little emotion. No matter how many times I was asked this question, it never got easier. Even though management, not including Rosie, taught me how to answer this question. By just saying yes. No details. There were hushed whispers, and gasps.

What's the big deal? Haven't they ever met an orphan? Sure, I guess it's sad, but it happens, right? People have their times when they go, and sometimes that time is a bit too early. "I'm sorry to hear that Sophie. May I ask what happened?"

"My parents died." I simply said, not giving away details. Jeff smiled apologetically, realizing that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Okay!" Jeff suddenly exclaimed, setting his clipboard down at the table. "Those are all the questions I had. Does anyone out there have a question that they'd like to ask these lovely girls?" A couple of hands went up. "Yes, Miss Gomez!" He said, pointing at teenager with brown hair.

"How do you little ladies write your songs?"

"I got this one!" Morgan said, raising her hand. "Well, since we're a group of five, we mainly write our own songs. But this girl, right here," Morgan draped her arm around my shoulder. "This girl, Sophia Penelope Glaser, is the songwriter here. She writes mainly most of the lyrics, and the melody, lthough she can be a potato at times."

I could feel my face burn up. "Oh stop it, you," I said, swatting away Morgan's hand.

"Well!" Jeff exclimed, nearly startling the jitteries out of me. "I'm getting hungry! So let's all welcome our newest members of the group, Anonymous! For the rest of the meeting, feel free to do anything you want!" They started clapping as Jeff walked to the food table, as Morgan curtsied.

My stomach started growling. "Man, a bit hungry Soph?" Natalie asked me, laughing. I nodded, and skipped to the table. Ooh, oreos! I took one, splitting it and licking the creamy thing in the middle. Mmm, heavenly delicious cookies.

"Well well well, if it isn't Sophie!" The voice exclaimed. I looked up, and saw Harry, Harry Styles.

"Styles," I mumbled, popping the cookie into my mouth.

"That's not how you eat it!" Niall cried out, taking an oreo. "You have to eat it whole." He bit into the cookie and chewed. I nodded. "Well," he gasped, and turned away, before taking three more cookies.

"So how are you, bestie?" Zayn said, putting his arms around me.

"She's my best friend!" Louis whined.

"But I thought I was your bestie Louis!" Harry cried out.

"Aww baby, don't be like that!" Louis said, reaching out for Harry.

I quickly scanned across the tables of food looking for the thing I craved most. "Oreos!" I cried out, skipping to the table that had them. I managed to eat 3 more oreos before Allie found me. "Hey Sophie girl! I saw you talking to One Direction! You are SO lucky!!" I shrugged. "Well, follow me. I want to show you something!"

Allie pulled my arm and headed towards a different direction. "But my oreos!" I cried out, looking back at those heavenly cookies as Allie dragged me away. She turned the knob and walked into the room. I did too, and in it were the drums, guitar, piano, and microphones. "Cool!" I squealed out, causing Allie to giggle.

"I know you would like it! Come on!" she said, leading me to the drums where Natalie, Morgan, and Sydney were. She handed me a pair a drumsticks. "Play something," she said.

"Play something? Like what?"

"Anything," Morgan said, playing with the cymbals. I looked around the room and headed for the acoustic guitar.

"Ok," I said, one I sat down and place the guitar on my lap. "What song?"

"More Than This!" Natalie said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay," I said. They sat down around me so we were all in a circle. I played a few chords, trying to remember how to play the song. You might ask why I know how to play the songs when I'm not much of a One Direction fan? Well, Natalie, Morgan, Allie, and Sydney always songs a One Direction song so they always try to get me to play the guitar for them. I played each song so many times I literally know it by heart. I started to play the intro. "Ok, Jellies,"

I played the guitar while they sang the song. Well, I sang too, but it was mainly them.

I'm broken

Do you hear me

I'm blinded

Cause you are everything I see

I'm dancing, alone

I'm praying

That your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door

My eye turns to face the floor

Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say

When he opens his arms

And holds you close tonight

It just won't feel right

Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah

When he lays you down, I'm might just die inside

It just don't feel right

Cause I can't love you more than this

Can't love you more than this

If I'm louder

Would you see me?

Would you lay d-

I started coughing. And coughing, and coughing. "Sophie!" Morgan whined. "You ruined the song!"

"I'm okay, thanks for asking." I said, after I took some deep breathes. "Sorry I have asthma."

"That's awesome!" I jumped up by surprise and looked at the door. There standing on the doorway was One Direction and Simon Cowell. The Simon Cowell. They were clapping. For us. The other four girl were literally blushing like crazy. Afterwards they ran up to them and asked for pictures and autographs. I rolled my eyes again and put down the guitar. I grabbed the drumsticks and spun them. I saw that Morgan, Natalie, Allie, and Sydney were still gushing over them. I grabbed three drumsticks. I put two in my left hand and the other in my right hand. Slowly, I put them up and held them so they were in the bow and arrow position. I aimed at the girls and shot the arrow. Or at least I pretended to. You can't really shoot drumsticks with just 3.

The members of One Direction snickered. Natalie, Morgan, Allie, and Sydney looked my direction, while I looked around too. "WH-what are you looking at??" I sputtered out. They rolled your eyes. I shrugged and continued doing tricks with the drumsticks.

"So," Simon Cowell said. "We heard you girls sing, and watched some of your concerts.... " Wait, they watched our CONCERTS? For reals??

Zayn laughed. "yes," he said. "We did watch your concerts."

"For reals," Louis said, smirking. I pouted.

"Anyways," Liam said. "We discussed about this, And we needed to ask you something...."

Adopted by One Direction? (One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now