Chapter Five: Joe, Saturday

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When Lauren returned home, she was literally growling.

"Babe?" Joe called out. "You okay?"

"Yes," she called, then, "No."

Joe frowned and met her at the front door, where she was taking off her shoes. "You were out a while. I thought you were just dropping Naomi off."

"There was a development. Two, actually. A good one and a bad one."


"The good one was Emma just got her period and Rachel wanted to celebrate, so she wanted to take the four of us girls out for nails and facials." Lauren proffered her nails as evidence.

"Nice. I didn't know you celebrated getting your period."

Lauren gave him a look that made him feel obnoxiously male and stupid.

"Okay," he said, "what was the bad thing?"

"Emma and Logan's mom showed up unannounced just as we were about to go."

"Oh. Is she allowed to do that?"

"Let's just say it's frowned on. It causes unneeded tension."

"And I take it there was tension?"

"What do you think?"

"So, what happened?"

Lauren sighed. "Rachel did the magnanimous thing and invited her along, even paid her way. When I tried to back out, Naomi nearly bit my head off. Did I tell you how much it sucks that she's nearly as tall as I am? How will I be able to assert parental authority when I have to look up at my child?"

Joe chuckled, and Lauren gave him the stink eye. They both knew very well that Naomi was Daddy's girl, and that he secretly enjoyed when she asserted herself while publicly warning her about listening to her elders. It would make her a force to be reckoned with when the boys started calling, although Naomi actually hadn't let on yet if she was attracted to boys. Maybe it would be girls; her mother certainly inclined in that direction, at least with one woman in particular. Nonno and Nonna might not like it, but he would never disown his daughter for her orientation, and would proudly walk her down the aisle if she asked him to, even if another bride waited at the end of it.

"Was it bad?" he asked. "Was she... I don't know... exhibiting any behaviours that caused Emma and Logan to be placed in care in the first place?"

"Ugh, no, she was perfectly behaved and overly self-conscious, and I think that was worse!"

Joe frowned. "So, what, you wanted her to be drunk and disruptive?"

Lauren huffed in frustration. "I don't know. It was just so weird, her turning up out of the blue like that. It totally stole Rachel's thunder; she was doing such a nice thing for the girls, and all Emma wanted to do was shadow her mom the whole time."

Joe grimaced and said, "Well, that is her mom. You can't blame her for that."

"Of course not, that's why it's so infuriating!"

He smiled and lifted her for a kiss. "I think I know what this is."

She pursed her lips in disapproval. "And what do you think this is?"

"You're protective of your best friend. You wanted her to be the hero of the day, even if you're secretly furious that Naomi hero-worships her."

She gasped in indignation and punched his arm. She always found the place where it hurt most. "You know about that?"

"Of course I do."

Her face softened. "Well, yeah, you're right. Anyway, the mom did have to leave after, so that was a relief, but the way she thanked Rachel so profusely, it was just awkward, you know? I just wish it had been the four of us."

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now