Chapter Sixty: Rachel, Monday

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The parking lot of Barnet Marine Park after closing was occupied only by a dozen unmarked police cruisers and a large armoured trailer-like vehicle, as well as an ambulance standing by to give medical assistance just in case anything went wrong; in a situation like this, Rachel supposed all sorts of things could go wrong. A cruiser blocked the drive into the parking lot, and two constables in helmets and body armour, carrying scary-looking assault rifles, blocked their way in until they confirmed their identities and radioed to their superiors that they were there. As they pulled into the parking lot, the doors to the trailer opened, and Detectives Pak, Marsden, Tracey and Goncalves all came pouring out to meet them.

Rachel watched them as she climbed out of the Highlander, still reeling from Joe's pronouncement. She made herself snap out of her despondency and focus on the business at hand. Logan's life depended on what she did in the next few minutes.

"The gang's all here," Rachel said to them with more exuberance than she felt. "Is this the IHIT thing again?"

"If we can get our hands on McTeague, we can get closer to closing the file on Jenna Davenport's murder," Tracey said, offering his hand to Rachel and Joe. To Joe, he said, "I don't believe we've met. I'm Detective Tracey with the New Westminster Police. This is my partner, Detective Maria Goncalves." He indicated Goncalves.

"Joe DiTomaso," he said. "I heard you helped Rachel down in Queensborough a few years ago."

Tracey smiled broadly, exposing the diastema Emma had commented on the last time they'd seen him. "Yeah, that was an interesting case, one you can tell the grandkids."

"We have Emergency Response Team members stationed at various points along the path you're going to walk, keeping watch in the trees for any ambush," Pak said. "We also have a sniper with a scope focused on the path further up, where McTeague's team will likely be travelling to meet you."

"Jesus," Rachel breathed. "Are you expecting bullets to fly?"

"We live by the Boy Scouts' motto, 'Always be prepared,'" Marsden said. "Although I went through the Girl Guides, and I have to tell you, if you put enough of us on a rocket ship, we could terraform Mars."

Rachel chuckled, until she saw what was in Marsden's hands. "Um, are those for me?"

"I'm afraid so. It's just a precaution, but better to be wearing them than not."

Rachel took a deep breath and said, "This is for Logan."

Marsden helped Rachel slip the Kevlar vest over her head and cinched it snugly in all the right places. She took the helmet and slipped it on Rachel's head, adjusting the chin strap for her as if she were a child, and then manipulated what looked like a little microphone so that it rested in front of Rachel's mouth. "There's a radio embedded in the helmet, tuned to our channel," she said. "It will allow us to stay in constant contact with you." She pulled down the visor. "Keep this down when you're on the move, to protect your eyes."

"Ok," Rachel said.

"How does it feel?" Goncalves asked.

Rachel shrugged. "I feel about twenty pounds heavier, about to head into battle. Am I taking a suitcase or something?"

"It's in the mobile command unit with the commander of the Emergency Response Team. We still have a minute before the scheduled exchange."

"Can I call my husband before I go in, if we have a minute?" she asked. 

They all nodded soberly, and Rachel pulled out her phone and lifted her visor. She called Al on speakerphone because she wouldn't be able to hear him through her helmet in regular mode, and he picked up on the first ring. "Rachel?" he said.

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now