Chapter Nineteen: Rachel, Sunday

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Not only did the detectives show up, but Melinda Barber also came as soon as they called. Rachel was glad Al had ordered extra pizza, because they all accepted slices once the work of searching Logan and Emma's room was done. Melinda made sure they only searched that room, and they took their time with it too, not only going back over every hiding space on Logan's side, but repeating the process on Emma's side, much to Emma's dismay.

"Are you going to put everything back where you found it?" she asked them rather assertively for a thirteen year old girl, after they turned up nothing more.

Detective Marsden smirked at her and said, "We'll do our best. You're Logan's sister, is that right?"

She nodded solemnly and said, "Can you let him go soon? I need him here."

Marsden's face fell, and she said, "Well, see, your brother got caught up in some serious business, and until we can get to the bottom of things we can't just let him go yet. But your foster parents did the right thing by telling us about what they found, and I heard you helped them find it."

She nodded. "He has stuff he didn't want Rachel and Al to know about."

"Well, I'm glad you helped them, because in helping them you help your brother."

Emma shrugged. "He's my brother, and I love him, of course I want to help him."

The purity of her words made Rachel want to cry, but she cleared her throat instead and asked, "What happens now?"

"Well, we take what you gave us back to the detachment and have our experts look at it," Detective Pak said. 

"That's it?"

Pak shrugged. "We'll see where it takes us. It might have nothing at all to do with the case, or it might have everything to do with it. That's for us to determine. You did your part, and for that we thank you."

"I'd like to be informed of anything you find that might have bearing on Logan's case," Melinda said.

Pak nodded and placed the memory card and the slip of paper, still in the pack of cigarettes, in separate evidence bags. "We have your contact info."

It was at this point that Lauren returned from her trip. Rachel introduced her to the detectives and to Melinda. Pak seemed especially pleased to meet her, and didn't even grimace when informed she was a private investigator. His hopes for making further acquaintance with her were dashed, though, when he was informed she was Joe's wife. Rachel hoped Pak was single, otherwise her opinion of him would wither. She was perfectly aware of the irony, because she and Al were married and yet they were both committing adultery with her, but she still thought their situation was different somehow.

After the detectives left, without putting everything back the way Emma had it, Melinda stuck around to have another slice. They must have interrupted her dinner when they called her. Rachel was glad she wasn't a defence attorney, having to work with no predictability in her schedule.

"I like your hair a lot," Lauren told her in what seemed like complete earnest.

"Oh!" Melinda self-consciously touched her bob. "Really? I got it done like this on impulse, but I'm not sure about it." 

"I had hair like that once," Lauren said. "I liked it, it was low maintenance."

"You know, my hair is naturally blonde and curly."

Rachel just stopped herself from blurting, "Why in the world would you change it to that?!" Instead, she said, making sure Emma was in her room cleaning up, "Is there anything more you can tell us about Logan's case? They haven't told us much."

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now