Chapter Thirty-Eight: Joe, Friday

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When Joe returned home with the kids, he found to his surprise that Lauren was already there making dinner. 

"Hi, babe," she said brightly. "I'm finally on time for once."

He didn't expect to be so happy to see her, but he tamped it down because he was still irritated with her about keeping her encounter with Rachel on Wednesday a secret from him, after she'd gotten so huffy with him about his encounter with Joanie on Sunday. "Hey, did you get a call from the police today?" he asked.

"I did, actually. They wanted to confirm Rachel's statement about the trip we made with Jenna Davenport to the salon, and then dropping her off at the Skytrain station."

"They called me to confirm Logan worked with me last Friday. I guess they're crossing their Ts and dotting their Is."

Lauren nodded. "Rachel just called me earlier. Apparently those detectives from Sunday, Pak and Marsden, were at their house to see Logan, and Rachel and Al had to rush home to meet them, so they didn't carpool home with me. The two detectives from the New Westminster Police were there too, the ones who were around for the mummified baby at Mrs. Anderson's house a few years ago, because Jenna Davenport died in New West. Her death is looking increasingly fishy, apparently, and they're working together in case the two cases are connected."

Joe nodded. "Was Pak the one who was all googly-eyed over you?"

"Ah, you noticed, did you?"

"He wasn't very subtle about it."

"Is it weird that I'm part Asian but I'm not attracted to Asians?" 

Joe shrugged. "It's biology. You can't control who you're attracted to. I wasn't attracted to the Italian girls at Notre Dame."

"Good for me."

He looked around to make sure the kids weren't in earshot and said, "Biology probably explains you and Rachel, too."

Lauren blinked and looked up from her cooking. "Yes, I suppose it does, but I think it's more than that, as I'm sure I explained to you."

"Does it explain Wednesday?"

Lauren flinched. "What do you mean?"

He hadn't planned on bringing it up, but sometimes his mouth moved before his brain could stop it. "I talked to Rachel today."

Lauren leaned against the fridge and studied him. "Are you in the habit of calling Rachel?"

"Not really. Maybe more so since the incident." Lauren knew what he meant by that.

"Oh yeah? Just to chat?"

"Well, today I told her Logan can come back Monday." He couldn't remember if he did or not, but it sounded like a plausible enough reason to call.

"I see."

"She then confessed to me that she and you played hooky from work on Wednesday, to..." He looked around again and leaned in. "... be together."

Lauren sighed. "Okay, you got me. I was peeved about Sunday so I thought I'd get back at you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it."

He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. "I forgive you."

"Now that we have our reconciliation out of the way, will you set the table?"

While the family ate, Lauren said, "It looks like the police are keeping an eye on Rachel and Al's place while they're at home, just as a precaution."

"Is Emma in danger, Mom?" Naomi asked in alarm.

"I don't think so. The police are just making sure they're safe. Logan had quite an adventure before the police found him last week, and there might be bad men out there looking for him."

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now