Chapter Eleven: Joe, Sunday

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On the way back from church, Joe received a call from Tilly. He used the hands free device in his Toyota Highlander to answer it because he was driving and the kids were in the back seat.

"Hi, Zio, did you call earlier?" Tilly asked.

"Did you just wake up now?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's Sunday morning... well, it's Sunday, anyway."

"You mother must be so proud. Is that why she still lets you live with her?"

"I couldn't break her heart by moving out."


"So, about your message. Logan and I never got to the digit exchange. We just had a good day at work, that's all. He's a little young to hang out with."

"You're his age, mentally, I thought you'd be perfect for each other."

"You know, if you want my help, you can try scorching me less."

"Do you have any suggestions? He's not answering his phone or responding to texts."

"Have you tried checking his feeds?"

"His what?"

"His social media feeds, Zio."

"Oh, you mean like the Facebook?"

"Uh, no, and I like how you say the Facebook like you're seventy. I bet you're on the Facebook."

"Well, yeah, but I don't check it much."

"I'm shocked. No kids are on Facebook anymore because their parents have taken it over. Just ask Naomi what she's on, that's probably what Logan's on."

Joe frowned. "Naomi isn't on anything." When he stopped at a light he looked back at her. "Are you on anything? And why would you be on anything, you're only thirteen."

Tilly laughed as if that were the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard.

Naomi squirmed in her seat and said, "My friends and I like to use Snapchat."

Joe sighed. "Naomi, sweetie, can you use your phone and go into this Snapchat, and see if you can find Logan on it?"

She nodded and drew out her phone. Now Joe wished they'd never given her one. It had become attached to her hand, left her open to online predators, and driven Tosh insane with jealousy because he didn't have one yet, and Joe knew he would wear them down eventually.

"Any other bright ideas?" he asked Tilly.

"I don't really know him that well. Have you tried going to the police?"

"We'll probably go that route soon."

"Well, good luck. Hope you find him."


He hung up just as they were pulling up to Al and Rachel's. Naomi put her phone away as she climbed out. "Sorry, Dad, he's not on there," she said. "Want me to try Twitter?"

"Don't tell me you're on Twitter, too. I've heard bad things about that one."

"No, Dad, but I can check if he's there."

"Good. Let's see how the rest of them made out."

He knocked on the door, and when Al opened and saw him standing there, he said, "They found him."

"They did? Wait, who did?"

"Rachel and Joanie. Rachel just called me."

Joe blinked as he tried to process what Al had said. "Where are Rachel and Joanie?"

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now