Chapter Forty-Six: Rachel, Saturday

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"Well, that was interesting," Al said as he met them at the pool later. He'd used the gym, then gone back to the room to shower, and now was in a fresh set of swim trunks. He sat at the table Rachel had commandeered while taking a break from swimming, watching Emma and Logan from where she sat. Logan was once again in the company of the girls from last night, and she found herself hypnotized by their exchange, as if she were watching a riveting TV show.

"What was?" she asked.

"You were right. Joanie used the gym at the same time I did. She was using the weight machines, though, while I was on the treadmill."

"And did you exchange long, lingering glances?"

He blushed again and said, "I'm not really attracted to her."

"Oh, fuck off. How could you not be?"

"Her height intimidates me. At least you and I are about equal height. I can handle that."

She rolled her eyes in disbelief and said, "So if you didn't check each other out, what was so interesting about it?"

"We chatted. The whole time. It was actually quite uncomfortable for me, because I had to talk while I was running, and that's never pleasant if I actually want to sweat."

"Seriously?" She was surprised. Al was not a chatterbox by nature, especially with people he didn't know well. "She must have instigated."

"She did. She was interviewing me like a cop."

"What?" She whipped around to him, taking her eyes off the kids for a second. "What did she ask you?"

"About you and me, and our friendship with everyone else. Her questions were mostly about Lauren, though."

"Jesus," she hissed. "I guess it's only natural she asks questions about Lauren, since she's fucking her husband. But why is she asking you about her?"

"Good question. For one thing, she found your relationship with her, and the fact that I'm okay with it, very interesting."

Rachel sighed in frustration. "I really wish I'd never told her about Lauren and me, but she had me captive in her truck, and when I feel trapped I get chatty. So, what do you think, was she looking to get in on our fun?"

He chuckled. "I don't think so. She seemed more mystified than intrigued by the idea of the two of you having sex. By the way, you didn't tell me what kind of fun you three got up to last night."

She shook her head. He was so predictable. "You're dying to know, aren't you. I couldn't exactly tell you while Logan and Emma were in the room." They were only able to afford one room with two queen-sized beds (it was fortunate Logan and Emma didn't mind sharing one,) and all interactions in it were by necessity PG.

He looked around to make sure none of the others were around, leaned in, and whispered, "Tell me the three of you fucked."

"We fucked."

"Holy shit," he breathed. "You and Tej? I'm so jealous."

"I was going to save this information for when we got our chance in bed together later. We all made a deal to give each other time with our husbands this weekend."

"Oh, thank God. I wish we'd gotten two rooms."

"Too expensive, but I agree."

"So?" he prodded. "How was she?"

She smiled as she remembered back to last night. "Better than I could have imagined. She gave as good as she got. Her breasts are..." She stopped when she saw the look of drunken lust on his face. "Oh, my God, now you want a turn with her."

Err on the Side of Violence: Terribly Acronymed Detective Club Series (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now