𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐟

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"What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

"It's empty."

"What's empty?"

"My locker."

Yuzuriha looks at you a bit confused and peeked inside your locker. "Your textbooks and pencil case are still there, I don't get it." She says which just made you sigh. "It's almost been a whole week since I've stopped recieving strawberry milk..."

"Oh! You mean from your secret admirer?"

You nodded dejectedly.

"Aw cheer up, I'm sure he's just busy." She assures you as she pats you shoulder. "I'm more worried on why I'm irritated because of this." You face plam and closed your locker. Yuzuriha chuckles, "Maybe you do like him." She playfully teased to which you just scoffed at, "As if."

Soon after the conversation ended, you and Yuzuriha made your way to the usual spot. This time, Senku was nowhere to be found. Before you could even ask Taiju started talking, "Senku finished his food early and went to the lab. He said he needed to finish something real quick." You just hummed in response, a bit glad you didn't need to deal with him for the time being. Admittedly, you were still a bit embarrassed about your feelings, but you were learning to adapt.

"Hey, no need to be disappointed (Y/n)! I'm sure he'll be back once he's done!" Yuzuriha patted your drooped shoulders with a sly smirk. Scoffing, you just proceeded to sit by the tree and lean on it. "Wake me up when you're done eating." You mumble and closed your eyes, pretending to sleep. Taiju looks at you with a worried face. "You aren't going to eat?" He asked but you just mumbled inaudible words. He inevitably gives up and proceeded to eat.

Thirty minutes pass and you could hear footsteps coming closer to you and your group.

"Senku! You finished your project already?" Yuzuriha asked. Senku just shook his head, "I still need to work on it a bit before I can actually say it's finished." your two companions hummed in understanding. You could feel Senku take a seat next to you. "She's asleep again?" He asked and you decided to raise your head. "I was." You replied with a tired voice. "You look like shit." Senku stated bluntly. "Thank you Mr. Obvious." You said sarcastically and started to stretch. Not a moment later, your stomach decided it would be the best time to growl. Embarrassed, you awkwardly cough and pretended to sleep again.

"And this is exactly the reason why you should actually eat lunch." Yuzuriha face palms. Senku just looks at you with a blank stare. "You do know that you need nutrition for your body to function efficiently, right?"

"Any rational person would know that, lettuce boy."

"Then why are you being irrational and skipping meals?"

"Why do you care?"

"I can't have a friend of mine dying of starvation, idiot."

Ah, that's the word.


The word that made you realize that you weren't satisfied with your current situation.

You just pouted childishly and looked away.

Senku was baffled by your actions and just looked at the two spectators. "Any of you got an idea why she's in such a crappy mood?" The two shrugged and Yuzuriha spoke. "I dunno but I think she's just irritated that Mr. Secret Admirer decided to disappear for a week." She guessed. You shot up with red tinted cheeks, "I don't even give a flying fuck about that guy!" You exclaimed. "Deny it all you want (Y/n), but I think you're actually starting to fall for him." Yuzuriha teased. You scoffed, a blush evidently plastered on your cheeks. "Shut up."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now