𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰

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"And then after that me and Senku decided to finally start building prototypes for the rocket, that was around the time we met Taiju as well." You ended your story with a quick yawn, earning a chuckle from Yuzuriha.

Senku sighs out of nostalgia, remembering all the sleepovers the both of you had from more than ten years ago. "I can vaguely remember (Y/n) speaking broken Japanese when she and I first met." Senku chuckles, "Yeah, but that was until you decided to teach me. I think we even had sleepovers because you wouldn't let me go until I was fluent." (Y/n) laughs, and Senku smirks. "Speaking of sleepovers." Senku nudges you off his shoulder and stands up, "My dad's having your parents over tonight for dinner again." Senku asks and brushes off some invisible dirt off his uniform.

You nod and stand up as well, noticing the stares you were getting from your other companions, "Dinner tonight at your place then?" You ask Senku with a grin. As if on cue, the bell has rung.

Senku left without a word and waved nonchalantly, walking to his next class.

"I'm making it my goal to get you guys to date by the end of the school year." You jump when you suddenly hear Yuzuriha's voice whispering right in your ear. You regained your composure and laughed at her, "Good luck then." Yawning a bit, you start speed walking away from the two.

You didn't feel like attending class today, so you decided to go up the rooftop. You pull out a lollipop from your pocket, took off the wrapper, and popped it in your mouth. When you reach the third floor, you feel a hand tugging at your uniform. Turning around, your (e/c) eyes met with crimson ones. "Where do you think you're going? Your class is back on the second floor." Senku looks at you sternly, still holding your uniform sleeve. You sigh and pull away from him, "I'm skipping class." You say before turning around and going on your merry way.

You hear Senku huff at your reply and even hear him complain, "Why are you like this."

This made you chuckle and stop to look back at him. "Your parents want me to look over you. They'd be pretty pissed if they found out you have a habit of skipping class." He crosses his arms and looks at you again, an all-knowing look on his face. "I'd get good grades either way even if I skip class." You reason, walking closer to him with the same look on your face. Senku just flicks your forehead, "The most logical course of action would be to just attend class and sleep there like you usually do."

You pout at his words, "The rooftop's so peaceful though." You whine in a childish tone. "You know damn well that's not a good excuse." Senku sighs and pulls you back towards your classroom, already aware that both of you are more than fifteen minutes late. "You owe me a pack of milk for this." You say with the same whiny tone, a bit irritated that your plans were foiled. Senku just mutters a small "Yeah, yeah." And keeps on pulling you.

Once you both have made it to your classroom, Senku checks his watch and sees that twenty minutes have already passed since class started. Slowly opening the door, both of you walk in with Senku still holding your hand. Your teacher and classmates dart their eyes towards you guys, noticing your linked hands. "Care to explain why both of you are late?" The teacher asks, pausing her lecture to question you. Senku visibly freezes, not knowing what to say. You eye him guiltily before speaking, "It was my faultー"

Senku's voice cuts you off, "I was working on something in the science lab and forced her to help me, it's my fault."

You look at him, weirded out by his sudden lie. Senku just looks at you and winks, making sure you were the only one to see it. You still looked confused but nodded nonetheless.

The teacher sighs, "Both of you, just stand in the hall for the remainder of the class."

You pout at her words but comply, getting dragged by Senku who was still holding your hand. "What the hell was that for?" You ask as soon as the door closes. Senku just shrugs and stands beside you, ignoring you and just looking straight ahead. You looked at your hands that were still linked and looked back at Senku with a wry smile. "Don't tell me this is an excuse to spend more time with me." You jokingly say as you nudged Senku, pouting when he continues to ignore your presence but still keeps holding your hand. "I swear if Taiju was right and you actually like me, I'm gonna lose it." Senku immediately lets go of your hand when those words left your mouth.

He looks at you in irritation, "Are you stupid?" He crosses his arms, scooting away from you. Your eyes may be fooling you but you could see a light blush on his face. You look at his face to confirm and sure enough, he was blushing.

Your mind stops working for a second. Senku, a person who has little to no interest in romantic shit, is blushing because of a small joke you made about him liking you.

An awkward silence took over before you even realized it. You and Senku never really talked about this topic with each other, probably because both of you knew how awkward it would get. All of this was new to you though, never in your whole life would you have expected to see Senku getting flustered like that.

A few minutes pass and you decided to speak, "I'm sorry." you finally finished your lollipop and threw away the stick at a nearby garbage can

Senku looks towards you, "What for?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. You scream internally, not expecting him to look cute when doing that. "We're late because I was being stupid and you took the blame." Senku was still looking at you a bit confused which made you huff. "We wouldn't be late if I wasn't so stubborn, so I'm sorry."

You weren't one to apologize easily so this was hard for you. Looking back at Senku, you see him smirking a bit. "Damned right you should be sorry, idiot." He mocks as he flicks your forehead yet again, making you glare at him. "Yah! You wanna die?"

"Stop switching to Korean when you know I can't understand you," Senku says with a sigh and starts picking at his ear. "I could teach you." You propose, a mischievous smile on your face. Senku notices and smiles as well, "No thanks, you look like you're up to no good."

You laugh, "In all seriousness, I could just teach you some basic phrases."

"Shoot." Senku says and looks at you. Thinking for a bit, you start to teach him.

"First is the phrase I used earlier, '죽을래' which is an informal way of saying 'do you wanna die'." (A/n: I could be wrong so please correct me if I am ^^)

"No, I don't." Senku says with a chuckle. You think again for a second, before looking at him again. "What do you wanna learn?" You ask with a clueless look which made Senku laugh at you.

"The two of you be quiet!" Both of you jump as the teacher scolds you from the door, immediately closing it as she sees you both complied.

You start to chuckle quietly as soon as the teacher left. "Can't you take anything seriously?" Senku says, fighting the urge to flick your forehead again.

"I can! I was serious when I told you that you owe me a pack of milk." You laugh, trying to keep the sound to a minimum. Senku sighs at your reaction and takes note to buy the said pack of milk later on.

"You receive milk from that secret admirer of yours every day, why do you need me to buy you more?" Senku asks, looking at you in the eye with an expression you couldn't read. You stop to think for a second, "It's different when it comes from you." Your statement only confused him further. "Why is it different when it comes from me?"

You look at him with an annoyed expression before shrugging, "Why wouldn't it be? We're talking about Ishigami Senku, after all."

Senku thinks for a few minutes, letting your words sink in. He raises his head to talk again, "What's that supposed to meanー" He stops when he sees you with your eyes closed, snoring softly.

He looks at you with a surprised expression before sighing once again, "Seriously, this girl is amazing." He smiles at your sleeping face. Standing straight while sleeping was no easy feat, though you were having a hard time keeping your head straight, Senku was indeed impressed. Glancing at you again, he sighs and moves closer to you.

Hugging you close, Senku supports your weight and leans on the wall. He lends you his shoulder again for the third time today. He jumps a bit when he feels you snaking your arms around his waist, "Thanks..." Realizing you were still half asleep, he sighs in relief and drags you and himself down to sit on the floor.

He wasn't exactly comfortable with all the physical contact, but at least he could see you were sleeping soundly on his chest with a contented smile.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now