𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭

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Weeks pass by without you telling your friends about the note you got. Knowing Yuzuriha, she'd probably push the idea of it being Senku again and you didn't want the unnecessary teasing to ensue. It would just further make your feelings develop for your childhood friend. The preparations for the festival were doing good. Members of the club were ecstatic to be participating and were doing their best to contribute. One of the members even proposed the idea of you showcasing your techniques.

That's right. You were the lead scientist and executive chef for the whole festival. This made you smirk at the thought of Senku who was gonna be your sous chef. No one had any complaints with your cooking since it was already a known fact that gastronomy was your strong suit.
The only problem was how you were gonna execute it.

"Just put whatever in their plate and I'm sure they'll have a foodgasm." Yuzuriha jokingly suggests with a chuckle. You pout, "This is probably gonna be the last time Senku agrees to participate! It has to be the best." You say as you remain laying your head on Senku's lap who had his nose stuck on a book. Taiju laughs and pats your shoulder reassuringly. "If I know a thing or two, it's that your cooking is the best I've ever tasted! Whatever you have up your sleeve, I'm sure it's gonna be a success!"

You smile at their assurance and look at Senku, only to be met with a leather-bound book that read 'Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor'

A soft smile was brought to your face as you shoved the book upwards, making Senku face plant onto it. His irritability grew as he groaned, sending a glare your way. You just smirked at him and stuck your tongue out. Moments like these were the ones you enjoyed with the ruby-eyed teen, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

You soon realized that you've been staring for a second too long and immediately regain your composure. "I'm still a bit worried. What if I mess up the showcase? I don't want to disappoint anyone." You say with a solemn gaze on the ground filled with lush greenery. It was now Senku's turn to reassure you.

"Constant worrying about what to do will get you nowhere. If I were you, I'd be in the kitchen experimenting whatever dish you have lined up in that pretty little head of yours." He stopped to think about what he just said. Truth be told, he did find you pretty, he just didn't expect himself to be daring enough to admit it indirectly. Surely, you only took his statement as a lighthearted joke, no?

He'd be damned if he thought that you'd even think of having feelings for him. Senku had already dug himself a hole that was impossible to get out of. His constant preaching of love and it being illogical was already ingrained in your brain that you'd be a fool to even act upon your unspoken feelings.

But of course, fate always had a way of leading the willing and dragging the reluctant. These feelings, illogical they may be, made him a fool for your undivided attention.

As Senku was having a mini existential crisis in his head, you were left to your own thoughts as you stared at the ruby-eyed teen before you. Truthfully, you were overthinking his small joke in your thoughts as well. Senku was the type of person to think before he spoke to ensure what he was saying would be logically correct. Taking that into account, did he just indirectly say that he thought you were pretty?

You shrugged it off for now but took note of it.

Just like yesterday, as if on cue, the bell rang signifying the end of your break.

You turn to Senku with a smirk on your face. "My place, after class. We're studying molecular gastronomy."

The said male sent a smirk back. "This is exhilarating."

Class sped by way too quickly for Senku's liking. He wasn't exactly the best cook out there so he didn't know how he would perform as an assistant for an experienced chef such as yourself. Now, you may be wondering why Senku is making such a huge fuss about this. It was only you. He didn't need to make a good impression. Either way, your opinion of him wouldn't change.

But then again, this was you he was talking about. The daughter of a well-known chef in the field of French cuisine.

Oh, I failed to mention, didn't I?

The reason you moved from your homeland to Japan, was because of a business opportunity your father got offered there. He now ran quite the successful two-star Michelin restaurant. Early on, your father had realized your love for science and helped to contribute in the best way he knew possible. Food science. And thus, your love for molecular gastronomy was born.

And that's exactly why Senku was being such a pushover right now. He was too arrogant to admit it, but he knew little about food science. And boy, was he not used to being outwitted by you. He understood the technicality of it, sure, but he never even tried to conduct an experiment regarding that field so he was stepping into new territory. And it was exciting him to no end.

"Stop spacing out and let's go." Your voice rang through his ears and immediately snapped him out of his thoughts. Wearing his signature smirk, he crossed his arms and looked in your direction. Unsurprisingly, you were holding an opened bottle of strawberry milk that was half empty. The ruby-eyed teen's smirk grew. "Shall we?" He held out his hand, expecting you to slap it away and give him a sassy remark. To his surprise, you took it. "We shall."

It had been a while since the two of you walked home without Yuzuriha and Taiju tagging along, which is exactly why the two of you were comfortable with holding hands. However, with the newfound feelings, tension was bound to ensue. Only then did the two realize that their neighbors had been observing their linked hands, supposedly stirring up some rumors. Senku made no effort to let go though. Let the people say what they want, it was illogical to confront them if it wouldn't make a difference.

Several minutes hence, the two of you had made it to your front door. Only then did Senku's nerves settle in. This was the first time in a few months that he was gonna come over. You always hung around his house, but he barely got to visit yours.

"You coming in or what?"

That seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Seriously, what is up with you today?" You asked rhetorically and made your way upstairs. "I'm gonna change real quick, grab yourself a drink."

Senku sighs as he watched your figure ascend to the stairs. His body fell limp on the comfortable couch. "What is wrong with me..?" He stares at the marble ceiling as he gripped the fabric aligned with his chest, feeling the pattern of his heart picking up its pace. Senku grew annoyed, wondering what he did wrong. Never in his life did he think he'd feel this way towards you. For crying out loud, you were his best friend! The thought of him even remotely considering to ask you out irked him. Nevertheless, he still considered it.

"You ready for some experiments, dear assistant?" Your teasing voice caught Senku's attention as he sat up, giving you a smirk that he didn't dare to let falter. "Yes, chef." He played along, might as well right?

Your smirk grew, "Get excited!"

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now