𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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A little girl walks inside a library, seemingly searching for someone. She walks around and keeps on looking for a certain boy, an evident smile on her small face. Her smile widens even more when she sees the familiar figure of a boy she saw a few hours ago.

Senku was silently reading a book, minding his own business, and focusing all of his attention on the words in front of him. He would usually sit on an unnoticeable spot in the library, not really caring for his surroundings and enjoying the peaceful silence.

The silence, however, was broken when the girl decided to sit beside Senku. Senku was noticeably surprised when he saw the girl smiling at him, trying to scoot away but failing miserably since he was seated against the wall.

The girl perked up and greeted him, "Hi!" Senku just stared at the girl and didn't answer, too shy to even speak. The little girl pouts at his lack of speech, deciding to introduce herself first.

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), what's your name?" She asks, leaning back a bit as to not get into her companion's personal bubble. "Ishigami Senku..." Senku quietly says as he keeps on staring at the girl in front of him. He didn't expect to see her again today, much less actually have a conversation with her.

"Senku what are you reading?" (Y/n) asks all of a sudden, leaning forward a bit to see the book Senku was holding. "You're into astronomy? Cool!" She compliments once she notices that Senku was reading about the different planets and stars.

Several minutes passed and the situation hasn't changed, (Y/n) would ask Senku a question and he would just give her a short answer or ignore it.

Silence enveloped the two as Senku finally finished the book he was reading, looking over at the girl beside him only to see that she was asleep. Senku curiously looks at the girl, wondering why she was making an effort to befriend him. Poking her nose repeatedly, Senku tries to wake her, "Hey, stupid, wake up." He continuously pokes her until her eyes slowly crack open.

"Huh..." (Y/n) wakes up and raises her head, rubbing her eyes and looking mildly irritated. "Let's go." Senku says without thinking, making (Y/n) looked at him confusingly. "Where to?"

Senku sighs, "You wanna be my friend right? Let's hang out." He proposes, standing up from his seat and rushing to return the book to its shelf.

(Y/n) follows the boy out of the library, "What are we going to do?" She asks curiously, Senku looks at her with an unreadable expression and shrugs. "I don't know." He finally says with a sheepish smile.

The girl laughs and grabbed Senku's hand. "Let's go to the convenience store then! You must be hungry." (Y/n) suggests as she pulls Senku to where she thinks the convenience store would be. A few minutes pass and you and Senku have reached your destination. "What are we even gonna buy?" Senku asks in a bored tone, making you pout at him. "It'll be my treat so be grateful!" You say with a wry smile, dragging him to a nearby empty seat and rushing to find what you would think both of you would enjoy eating.

Senku sits by himself and watches you rush to grab some food, eager to get a bite to eat. He sees you pouring some hot water on two paper cups and assumes that you have bought some instant ramen.

You make your way back to Senku, sitting across from him. You slide the paper cup to him, warning him that it was a bit hot. Sure enough, when Senku opens the cup, it was indeed instant ramen. He mutters a small thanks for the food from under his breath before digging in. You do the same and a comfortable silence envelops the two of you once again.

"Hey, catch." Senku was surprised when you suddenly throw a small object at him. He was caught off guard but caught it nonetheless. It was a weird-shaped bottle of banana milk, and Senku notices some hangul written on the bottle. "It's binggrae banana milk! It's very popular back in Korea, I was shocked that they were selling some here too." (Y/n) smiles and opens her bottle, which was strawberry flavored instead of banana.

The two started making light conversation, trying to get to know each other. Once they have finished eating Senku was the first to stand up, "Want to come over to my house?" He asks with a small grin. His companion smiles and nods.

Senku links their hands and drags her back to his house. Once they made it inside, Senku brings (Y/n) along to his room and did not pay attention to Byakuya who was asking where he's been. Nonetheless, he sees his father wearing a content smile when he notices that he has brought along a friend.

"Don't stay up too late playing video games. And (Y/n), make sure your parents know you're here!" Byakuya says, earning a small hum from both of the kids. You and Senku continue to play around, reading comics and playing with his action figures. It was quite a sight for Byakuya, but he was glad you were able to get through the walls Senku had built up.

Weeks have passed and you can safely say that you and Senku have become the best of friends. You even introduced him to your parents who were more than glad to welcome him to your home whenever you guys decide to hang out again.

Senku was glad to have met you, and was elated when he found out both of you had the same interests. He would often jokingly insult you and be mean, but you know he means well.

One night when Byakuya took both of you out to the playground, Senku curiously looked up at the moon. He runs around, seeing if the moon would follow. You took notice and looked up as well. "Why is the moon following me." He asks with an annoyed tone, you took this opportunity to tease him. "Maybe it has a crush on you." You say jokingly and poke his sides. He rudely brushes you off and flicks your forehead, a habit he has developed ever since meeting you. "Shut up, I'm asking about serious science stuff here!" You grumble because of the pain and cross your arms. "What type of preschoolers even are you two?" Byakuya laughs at the two's exchange and begins to explain.

He tells them that the distance between the moon and Earth plays a big factor, as it's far away. He then continues to lament about failing the clothed swimming test he took a few days back. You notice Senku looking at his father with an expression you couldn't quite read. You smiled at him and suggested getting some milk on the way home, to which he agreed on.

The next day was quite eventful as you hear Senku declaring that he wants to go to space to the whole class, even shocking you when he says that he would go right now. After his bold declaration, he grabs your hand and drags you out of the classroom. He tells you of his plans to build a rocket and wants your help. Seeing as both of you share a love for astronomy, you agree to lend him a hand.

From then on, both of you worked hard to pursue your shared dream.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now