𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡

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Korea had been different from what you remembered. The previous neighborhood you lived in was certainly very unalike to what you had recalled it to be. The car came to a stop, "We're here!" Your father chimed, eager to be back in his hometown. You smiled at this, at least someone was getting the most out of this situation.

The day went by with your family unpacking everything needed. The old house you had back in Japan was under Byakuya's care, in case you return if need be.

Tomorrow was the day you attend culinary school as a transferee. You could never understand how your dad was able to pull the strings to get you in so late into the semester. Then again, your dad always did have a way with his words.

"(N/n), if you want, you could rest up. Maybe have a video call with Senku if you wish." Your mother called out to you from the kitchen, a somewhat teasing tone in her words. You sigh and gave her a hum, ascending to the stairs soon after. Your room was left untouched after several years of it being empty. Sighing for the nth time today, you plop yourself on the comfortable confines of your bed. You stare at your luggage, contemplating whether you should unpack or not. You settle for the former and sat up begrudgingly.

You didn't bring a lot of stuff, somewhat expecting that you wouldn't even need them since you hoped your stay in Korea would be as short as possible. After taking care of the clothes, toiletries, and knick-knacks, you come across a familiar photograph framed with some intricate designs around the edges. You smile.

It was your first-ever picture with Senku. You hoped it wouldn't also be the last.

Once everything was spick and span, you lie down on your bed as you stared at your laptop, wondering if you should give Senku a call or not. It seemed like your body was urging you to just rest and sleep early since you've been moving non-stop after such a long ride. You comply with your aching muscles, surely Senku could wait.

Before you knew it, the next day rolled around. You got up earlier than usual so you decided to make breakfast. As you were working in the kitchen, you felt a presence behind you and the familiar sound of vegetables getting chopped. You turn around and saw none other than your father, sporting an apron and messy hair that seemed to not follow the laws of physics. You chuckle at this and remember a certain lettuce-haired friend of yours. Damn, were you missing him badly.

The two of you worked in sync, with your father already figuring out you were gonna make one of his recipes that he had taught you and assisted you throughout the process.

Once breakfast was done, your father smiled and messed your hair up. "You're not even at school yet and you're already so experienced." You could hear the pride swell in his tone, making you smirk in the process. "What do you expect? I learned from the best."

Your father smiled. Senku really did rub off on you with all that smirking and sassy remarks.

You felt your father push you forward, "Knock 'em dead, little miss lab assistant."

"Hey!" You pout as you could hear him laugh.

Brushing off some invisible dust, you grab your bag and head off the school.

Years pass by like a flash, you notice. It was your last year in college and the 3rd year you've been working part-time at one of the branches of your father's restaurant. This was also the first time you were coming back to Japan in a long while. Your father had business to attend to in the branch back in Japan, he says, and wanted your help as his sous chef.

"(Y/n), do you really have to leave?" One of your friends, Sungjae, asked as he crossed his arms. You, your father and Sungjae stared at the vast number of people in the airport. You chuckled and flicked his head, a habit you've developed all throughout the years because of a certain leek, "No need to be so glum, Jae. I'll be sure to call you and Yoon from time to time."

The brunette sighs as he rubs his forehead, "So you're really not gonna come back?" He asks. You glanced back at the plane that already had a number of people aboard, "I guess we'll figure out when I get there."

A voice rang out through the speakers, telling everyone that the first flight to Japan is ready to take off. "Guess that's our cue." Your father smirks and gripped his luggage. "Sungjae, watch over my wife and the house for us. Will you?" Your father asks with a grin. The brunette nodded with slight irritation. Your father always relied on him with almost everything since Sungjae's late father was a close friend of your parents. That leads to one thing and another, resulting in Sungjae becoming your adopted brother.

"Time to go." Sungjae says, crossing his arms once again.

You nodded and turned to finally board the plane, "This is exhilarating."

The next chapters would be the ending. It almost feels surreal that this book is almost done :'0 Anyway, Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this story :)) I had never expected to reach more than 9k reads and 600 votes omg y'all make me soft.

Before I go, I'd like to know what else you'd be interested in reading? I have another Dr. Stone fanfic idea in my drafts, but would it get too repetitive if it's another Senku x reader? If some of you are interested in Voltron, broadway musicals, Stardew Valley or Genshin Impact, then be sure to inform me since I might just consider writing about them ;))

Thanks again, ily <3

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