𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬

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"Lance and Keith kind of remind me of us, with how much they keep on bickering with each other." Senku comments as he sips the bottle of strawberry milk you begrudgingly gave him. You look at him with a confused expression but smirked at him nonetheless. "So you mean we're gay for each other?" You laugh and turn to Senku who had a disgusted expression on his face.

"Klance isn't canon, and you know it." He crosses his arms with a smirk, knowing fully well that he had gotten you irritated with his small comment. You pout and sneakily reach out to grab his cheeks. Senku notices and immediately dodges you, chuckling a bit at your half-assed attempt. You childishly cross your arms turn your back towards him, making Senku sigh at your antics. "Why are you like this?"

You don't answer him and just grab a blanket from his bed, wrapping yourself up with it. Senku chuckles at your actions, noting how cute you looked even with an irritated expression on your face. He pauses Voltron real quick and gets up, he grabs your blanket and drapes you and himself with it. You ignore him and turn your head away.

Senku huffs at you irritably, "You don't even ship Klance, why are you so bothered?" He asks loudly as if yelling at you. "I don't know!" You yell back twice as loud, fully turning your head towards him. "Why not?"

"How should I know?" You ask back, making Senku flick your forehead. "That ain't a question meant to be answered with another one." He sighs, wondering if Byakuya heard your yells from downstairs. He also wonders why both of you would argue about something as stupid as this.

"Honestly, this just backs up my statement that we bicker like Lance and Keith." He sighs once again and crosses his arms, nonchalantly leaning on your shoulder. "Yeah, except there's less sexual tension." You add, trying to hide your laughter and fail miserably.

Senku looks at you curiously, "What's with you and these types of jokes? Are you insinuating something?" He asks, raising his head to look at you in the eye. You freeze for a moment, wondering if you were insinuating something. Were you too obvious? Senku's smart, he might have caught on to your newly found feelings.

A second passes and Senku flicks your forehead once again. "I'm kidding, you're too serious." He smiles at you and finishes the milk he's holding. He gets up to throw it away but stops when he hears you speak.

"What if I was insinuating something?" You ask with an expressionless look on your face. Senku was a bit taken aback by your sudden question. He drops the empty milk bottle in the trashcan before turning to you, a curious expression on his face. "What do you mean by that?" He sits beside you, this time being a bit wary of the closeness. You sigh, "That ain't a question meant to be answered with another one." You mock his words, making him sigh at your response.

An awkward silence filled the room. Senku's thoughts were running wild, he was a bit confused. You didn't like him that way, and he knows that as a fact. That's why you acting this way towards him got him a bit baffled.

"Have you never thought about it?" The silence was broken as soon as you spoke. Senku darts his eyes towards you, an unreadable expression on his face. "About what?" His question irked you. Senku was a smart person, but you didn't expect him to be dense.

You turn your head in his direction, matching his blank look. "How it would be like to date each other."

Senku was silent. He was embarrassed to admit that he has thought about it for how many times now. He imagined holding your hand, playing with your hair, hanging out together, and cuddling with you. Of course, those are things the both of you had already done. But it was done with only platonic intentions in mind, which bothered him a bit. At this point, your relationship with him couldn't be considered as 'just friends', but it wasn't as serious as being in a relationship.

Senku's train of thoughts continue, a single question lingered in his head.

What am I to her?

"I guess I h-have, once or twice." He lied smoothly, hoping that you didn't notice his slight stutter. He turns to look at your reaction, half expecting you to have fallen asleep because of how long it took him to respond. His breath hitches when he sees you looking at him intensely. You hum in response, nodding your head a bit.

"What about you?" Senku asks, making you almost choke at your own saliva. You cough for a bit and try to compose yourself. "I don't know." You lie through your teeth. Crossing your arms, you sigh and grab another bottle of strawberry milk. You look at Senku and inspect his expression. He looked a bit confused and uncomfortable, which just made you guilty for asking such a question.

You open the bottle and gulp the milk down, a satisfied look on your face. Turning to Senku, you see that he has been staring at you for a while.

The look in his eye was familiar. You smile at him and already know what he means.

Both of you made a silent agreement to forget that awkward moment ever happened. Senku grabbed the remote and continued the episode. He took a seat beside you, this time in a nonchalant manner. You feel both of your shoulders touch, which the two of you didn't mind.

An hour passes and you can hear Byakuya calling at Senku from downstairs, telling him that dinner was ready.

You and Senku begrudgingly get up, too lazy to even clean up the empty bags of chips lying on the floor. "I'll just clean it up later, don't worry." He says and pulls you out of his room, dragging you to the dining area.

When you two reach your destination, you can hear Byakuya and your parents chatting.

"Is (Y/n) here already? Aigoo, that girl must have gone straight to bed when she got home." Your father says with a laugh, making your mother chuckle. "She's actually with Senku upstairs, They're gonna be here soon." Byakuya laughs along, making (D/n) grow weary of the situation. "My precious daughter is alone with a boy?? Ah, what should I do?!" He asks in a frenzy, standing up only to be held back by his wife. "Honey, stop! It's just Senku!" She reasons with her worried husband, chuckling a bit at his frantic movements. Byakuya sheds a fake tear, "(D/n) have you no trust in my son?"

The three adults laugh and talk a bit more, making small jokes whenever possible.

You and Senku make your way towards the adults. Senku immediately lets go of you when he notices your father eyeing your linked hands.

Byakuya notices and chuckles a bit at Senku's flustered expression. "Shall we start eating?" He says, breaking the silence.

You and Senku took your seats across from each other.

"Thank you for the food!" Your father says and starts to dig in as soon as the words left his mouth. This made you and your mother laugh.

"Thank you for the food."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now