𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝

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You were awoken with the sound of the bell ringing. Looking around, you see that the seat beside you is empty. You assume Senku left you to wake up on your own since he found you irritating to deal with when woken up. Looking at your watch, you can safely say that lunch has started. Standing up, you walk out of the classroom and make your way towards your locker.

You smile when you see another bottle of strawberry milk inside, but got confused when you see some banana bread right beside it.

I didn't see you in the cafeteria so I assumed you didn't have any money today. It isn't much but I hope it's enough :) And I'm sorry, but I'm too scared to let you know who I am. Maybe in the future, I'll reveal myself, but not now. You don't have to thank me for the milk btw.

p.s. eat well

You start to think that maybe you know this person, they knew banana bread's your favorite after all. Taking the milk and the bread, you open the bottle and start drinking. Walking through the halls, you bump into Yuzuriha who had a worried look on her face.

"(Y/n), Thank goodness you're awake!" She tackled you and almost made you lose your balance. "Yah, I know I'm a hassle to wake up but it's not that bad." You chuckle, then wriggle out of her grip. "What's up?"

"Senku still isn't at our spot so I assumed he went straight to the science lab."

You sighed at her statement and told her to go back. "I'll get his ass to our spot, don't worry." And with that, Yuzuriha smiled at you and ran back outside. You huffed and turned around, making your way to the science lab.

Once you were at the door to the lab, you loudly opened the door and called out to your friend. "Yah! Lettuce boy, get your ass out of here!" You shouted, making the few members in the room look at you with an annoyed expression. You shrugged them off and walked over to Senku who was picking his ear and was looking at a blueprint. Once you were beside him, you crossed your arms and stared at him intensely. "It's lunchtime, aren't you gonna come and eat?" You asked, sighing when Senku didn't give you a reply. You placed the milk and bread on a nearby table and reached out to pinch his cheek but he grabbed your hand before you could even touch his face.

Now making eye contact, he huffs at your annoyed expression. "I'll come as soon as I finalize this blueprint." He says before letting go of your hand. His statement irked you and without a thought, you swiftly grab his cheeks and pinch them. "Aish, you can do that later." You say as he struggles in your grasp, telling you to stop.

Senku grabs your shoulders and pries you off of him. "Seriously, you're so annoying." You smile at his tired voice, "Thanks, I try my best."

He just sighs at your statement and follows you out of the science room, eyeing the bread and milk you were eating.

Once you guys made it to the tree, Yuzuriha smiles. "The secret admirer gave you banana bread too?" She asks, you grin at her and nod. "Seriously, if he keeps this up I might even consider giving him a chance." You say playfully as you sit and lean of the tree, enjoying the peacefulness of the atmosphere. "I thought dating was too much work for you." Taiju said as he took a bite on his rice ball. You laugh and gulp down the milk, "It still is, but I might make an exception." You lightly chuckle and feel Senku taking a seat next to you, seeing him get his lunch and start eating.

Seeing as you have finished your food, you decided to sleep again. And this time, you leaned on Senku's shoulder without a word. He didn't seem to mind so you start to doze off and snuggle closer.

Taiju has noticed and smiled at Senku, "Your face is red, that's rare." Taiju chuckles as both he and Yuzuriha stared at his flushed face. Senku just stared at them blankly, "It's too hot here, of course my face will be red." He reasoned and continued eating, making sure that this time his face wasn't easily seen by his other companions. "Whatever you say." Yuzuriha smirked and continued eating.

When the others weren't looking, Senku would stealthily sneak a glance at your sleeping face before looking away and thinking to himself.

Taiju was right, his face was surely red and not because of the hot weather. He always denied it, but he indeed found you attractive. Not to mention that you had the most unique personality that made him more attracted to you. The way you were able to sleep anywhere at any time intrigued him as well.

Senku chuckles to himself, remembering the time he saw you sleeping under a bench with your bag used as a pillow.

Yuzuriha heard his chuckle and looked at Senku. He looked away, "It was nothing, I just remembered something." He reasoned, not making eye contact. "I swear Senku, just admit you like her."

Senku sighed, an unnoticeable red tinge on his cheeks. "Again, I don't like (Y/n) that way." He denies, crossing his arms with a huff. "If you don't then why act all lovey-dovey with her?" Taiju asks, making Senku look at him with an annoyed expression. "I'm not acting lovey-dovey with her." He denies, "Yeah, but haven't you noticed that she's literally snuggling you in her sleep?" Taiju points towards your direction.

Senku looks over and sees that you're still sleeping, but this time you were hugging his arm. Senku lightly smiles at the sight, "This girl and I have known each other longer than I've known any of you. If anything, I see her as a little sister. A very annoying one at least." Senku states. Yuzuriha rolls her eyes at Senku's words, not believing the seeing you as only a little sister part. A curious expression made its way to her face, however.

"Now that you mention it, you never told us how you and (Y/n) met." Yuzuriha says, making Taiju mimic her expression. "Yeah, you've never told us that story yet."

Senku opens his mouth to speak but was cut off, "I'll do it, you suck at telling stories." Your voice, again, surprised your companions as you rubbed your eyes.

Raising your head, you yawn and look at the three, "This was more than ten years ago, I think, so my memory is a little hazy."

"Senku and I met when my family just moved from Korea to Japan, he was my first friend." You started and trailed off, trying to jog your memory.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now